Program overview

We are glad to share the draft program version 1.0!

Please, note that some sessions consist of two parts on the same or on a different day.

Please, also note that each session has been assigned a space: Main hall, Outdoor area A, and outdoor area B.

And you can expect that some sessions will be switched with each other.

Detailed daily program

About the program

The program of the school consists multiple types of sessions.

Keynotes are all selected by organization team together with EATEL board and invited.

Some methodology, soft-skills, and informal workshops are organized every summer school and organized by the JTELSS organization team members.

Most other sessions are submitted by researchers, developers and managers in the TEL community via the Call for Workshops. These are in most cases thematic workshops, but also workshops of all other types.

Moreover, this year the summer school is organized together with the DETEL project. Some of the workshops are submitted by the DETEL consortium.