Doctoral Education in Technology-Enhanced Learning
The DETEL Erasmus+ project is organizing a workshop Doctoral Education in Technology-Enhanced Learning in Toulouse, France on 13 September 2022 at 13:30-17:30 (room A302), as part of the 17th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (ECTEL22)!
About the DETEL workshop
Technology Enhanced Learning as an interdisciplinary field has many approaches to doctoral education, depending on the country, university, faculty of the PhD candidate among other factors. DETEL Erasmus+ project works on harmonizing and innovating doctoral education in the field, defining a new study program for doctoral education.
In this workshop, we will inform the participants about the state of the work on the program and involve them in a validation the doctoral Technology Enhanced Learning curriculum designed in the DETEL project. We will also demonstrate our platform for community-driven development of educational resources for doctoral candidates.
The workshop will consist of several parts:
Part 1. Presentation of the results of studies of DETEL and DETEL curriculum, finishing with questions to the audience.
Part 2. Experience sharing about the doctoral education in TEL
Part 3. Discussion of what is TEL research, how the field is structured, and where are its borders.
Part 4. Demonstration of the open-source software-style educational resources developed in the DETEL project for doctoral candidates working in TEL and invitation to participate as an author or as a learner
Part 5. Re-cap and further steps discussion.
Workshop organizers
Mikhail Fominykh
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Mikhail Fominykh is a researcher, developer and enthusiast in the area of technology-enhanced learning. Mikhail is serving as a Secretary and as the Education chair in the executive board of EATEL from 2021 to 2025. Mikhail holds a researcher position in the IMTEL research group at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU, […]
Roland Klemke
Open University of The Netherlands, The Netherlands / TH Köln, Germany
Prof. Dr. Roland Klemke is chair of the department of Technology-enhanced Learning and Innovation of the Faculty of Educational Science of the Open University of the Netherlands. He leads national and international research projects in the TEL field. Research topics include artificial intelligence for education, multimodal learning experiences, augmented- and mixed-reality, multi-sensor architectures, serious gaming, game-based […]
Marcus Specht
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Marcus Specht is Professor for Digital Education at the Technical University of Delft and Director of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Center for Education and Learning. He also is scientific lead of of TU Delft for the 4TU Center for Engineering Education. He received his Diploma in Psychology in 1995 and a Dissertation from the University […]
About the DETEL project
Doctoral Education for Technology-Enhanced Learning (DETEL) project will establish and deepen a strategic partnership for doctoral education in Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL). DETEL brings together 9 internationally renowned universities and the European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning to reflect their expertise in doctoral education into a new internationally validated program in TEL, extended with rich and professionally produced Open Educational Resources. The project grounds the design of the new program in the best practices in TEL doctoral education across Europe as well as institutional and national requirements.