Gamification and Serious Games

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Abstract Updated: new date! This webinar will explore the concepts of gamification and serious games and will engage participants in practical activities that will enable them to identify and discuss different educational and research approaches that use these methods, with a particular focus on evaluation. We will close the webinar


Aodhan Kelly
Aodhán Kelly
Open University of the Netherlands
Roland Klemke
Open University of The Netherlands, The Netherlands / TH Köln, Germany
Luis Pedro
Luis Pedro
University of Aveiro, Portugal
Carlos Santos
Carlos Santos
University of Aveiro, Portugal


28/06/2021 - 11:00


28/06/2021 - 13:00


Updated: new date!
This webinar will explore the concepts of gamification and serious games and will engage participants in practical activities that will enable them to identify and discuss different educational and research approaches that use these methods, with a particular focus on evaluation. We will close the webinar with a general discussion about these topics and point to resources and expected developments in the area.

Learning outcomes

After the course, participant PhD students will…

  • Distinguish the concepts of gamification, serious games and game-based learning
  • Identify game design elements and gamification frameworks
  • Introduction to evaluation framework for serious games

Course platform

All DETEL webinars are supplied with additional materials in mini-courses on the open Tech4comp platform.

How to join

The link to join the webinar will be sent to all registered participants. The registration will remain open for the duration of the webinar series (until 2 July 2021). Register now!