On this page, you find an overview of the Special Interest Groups – SIGs, supported by EATEL. The SIGs and the people behind the SIGs enable, initiate and support activities and events on specific topics within Technology-Enhanced Learning.
Active call for Special Interest Groups
The call for EATEL Special Interest Groups is currently open!
The main objective of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) is to promote and federate research activities in relevant areas of interest related to Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL). The EATEL association proposes to support these SIG, by offering them visibility and financial support.
Active Special Interest Groups
Educational Robots & Robotics - SIG EduRobotX
The SIG EduRobotX focuses on the design and use of social telepresence robots in education and on educational robotics (read more).
Technology Enhanced Learning Curricula and Programs - SIG CUPTEL
The SIG TEL Curricula and Programs is a forum for discussion of Technology-Enhanced Learning education, research and development of curricula on the masters and doctoral levels and teaching approaches (read more).
Serious Games and Gamification - SeGaGa
Over recent years the use of games for serious purposes and the use of game elements in non-gaming context (gamification) has matured. Several meta-analyses have demonstrated the positive effects of gameful/playful approaches. The field of serious games and gamification is highly interdisciplinary (read more).
Artificial Intelligence for & in Education - AI4Ed
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in all its varieties, approaches, and application areas is one of the general IT megatrends of our time. It’s uptake in education is (compared to its use in other fields) still sparse and initial. There is no clear coordination of activities related to AI in education and there are no clear paths to follow for educators. (read more).
Past Special Interest Groups
Wearable-Enhanced Learning - WELL
Wearable technologies – such as smart watches, smart glasses, smart objects, smart earbuds, or smart garments – are breaking the established ground and offer new opportunities. This SIG stimulates common research on wearable-technology enhanced learning in the area of TEL (read more).
EC-TEL Advisory Board
The main goal of this SIG is the continuation of the successful annual conference series of the EATEL – the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning – EC-TEL (read more).
EATEL Doctoral Academy
The Doctoral Academy organizes events and virtual networking opportunities that aim to introduce PhD students to the wider international community of researchers and professionals working in Technology Enhanced Learning and provides opportunities for young researchers to develop leadership skills by taking on responsibilities for the organization of these events. The most prominent events are the JTEL Summer School and the EC-TEL Doctoral Consortium (read more).
Data-driven Research and Learning Analytics - SIG dataTEL
This SIG aims to increase research on educational datasets as it is expected that this will create more transparent, mutually comparable, trusted and repeatable experiments that lead to evidence-driven knowledge with approved indicators for theories in education and in particular in TEL (read more).
Technology Enhanced Assessment and Feedback
This SIG will push further and consolidate work on the grand challenge about technology-enhanced assessment. The SIG will target a multidisciplinary perspective on technology-enhanced assessment and feedback and will involve actors from computer-science, psychometrics, educational sciences and other domains dealing with the use of technology for formative or summative assessment (read more).
Open Content for Business and Management
The SIG will be the single access point for people engaged in Open Education in the business domain. The European project OpenScout has brought together stakeholders across Europe providing, sharing and using freely available resources in the business and management field. The SIG will maintain the successful infrastructure and user community of OpenScout (read more).
Remote Labs and Online Experimentation
Remote Labs and Online Experimentation offer a rich opportunity to learners by allowing them to control real equipment at distance in order to conduct scientific investigations. The main goal of the SIG is to drive and promote remote labs and online experimentation and to offer the technologies that can help stakeholders build experimental infrastructures and use them across different domains (read more).

Professional Learning