The DETEL Erasmus+ project is organizing an open webinar on Doctoral Education in Technology-Enhanced Learning on 7 December 2022 at 10:30-13:30 Central European Time!
7 December 2022
10:30 - 13:30 Central European time
Fully online

About the webinar
Technology Enhanced Learning as an interdisciplinary field has many approaches to doctoral education, depending on the country, university, faculty of the PhD candidate among other factors. DETEL Erasmus+ project works on harmonizing and innovating doctoral education in the field, defining a new study program for doctoral education.
The webinar will feature a panel discussion on the topic of doctoral education in Technology-Enhanced Learning, where four international experts will share their experience.
In this webinar, we will also inform the participants about the state of the work on the program and the doctoral Technology Enhanced Learning curriculum designed in the DETEL project. We will also demonstrate our platform for community-driven development of educational resources for doctoral candidates.
Program 7 December 2022
Introduction to DETEL
📅 10:30 Central European Time
In this opening presentation, we welcome the participants of the webinar and present a brief overview of the three-years-long DETEL project.
Mikhail Fominykh
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Mikhail Fominykh is a researcher, developer and enthusiast in the area of technology-enhanced learning. Mikhail is serving as a Secretary and as the Education chair in the executive board of EATEL from 2021 to 2025. Mikhail holds a researcher position in the IMTEL research group at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU, […]
What do we know about doctoral education in Technology-Enhanced Learning?
📅 10:40 Central European Time
In this presentation, we share how we explored the state of doctoral education in the highly interdisciplinary area of Technology-Enhanced Learning in Europe. Our results indicate the fragmentation on the master and doctoral levels, challenges related to the interdisciplinarity of the field, availability and flexibility of doctoral study programs, and slow adaptation to the development of research in the same field. At the same time, there are excellent examples of educational resources, doctoral programs and courses, institutional and national schemes as well as best practices in supervision and support for young researchers.
Mikhail Fominykh
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Mikhail Fominykh is a researcher, developer and enthusiast in the area of technology-enhanced learning. Mikhail is serving as a Secretary and as the Education chair in the executive board of EATEL from 2021 to 2025. Mikhail holds a researcher position in the IMTEL research group at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU, […]
Maria Perifanou
University of Macedonia, Greece
Dr. Maria Perifanou is an adjunct lecturer in Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Italian Language & Literature at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and an adjunct academic staff at the Hellenic Open University at TESOL Master’s Programme. She works also as a senior researcher at the Smart and Mobile Learning Environments (SMILE) Lab of […]
Expert panel
📅 11:00 Central European Time
In this expert panel, we will discuss various aspects of doctoral education in Technology-Enhanced Learning. The discussion is meant for both experienced academics engaged in teaching and supervision and junior researchers working on their PhDs. The panelists will share their experience in supervising PhD candidates, including best practices and challenges. We will discuss the relations between the cutting-edge research, education, and practice of Technology-Enhanced Learning. The experts of the panel will share insights on addressing the highly interdisciplinary nature of the field, navigating through educational materials, tools and research methods from engineering, design-oriented research, social sciences, psychology, and other. The panel will include an open microphone for the questions from the participants.
Yannis Dimitriadis
University of Valladolid, Spain
Dr. Yannis Dimitriadis is Full Professor of Telematics Engineering and ex Dean of the Doctoral School, University of Valladolid, Spain. He is also the coordinator of the GSIC/EMIC research group, an inter-disciplinary group, integrating over 20 researchers and practitioners from the field of Information and Communications Technologies and Pedagogy. His recent research work has focused […]
Allison Littlejohn
University College London, United Kingdom
Professor Allison Littlejohn is the Director of UCL Knowledge Lab. She a learning scientist, specializing in professional and digital learning. Her expertise is in applying educational theory and evidence to developing and evaluating complex interventions for professional learning which capitalize on the use of digital technologies. Her work has made contributions to the understanding of […]
Armin Weinberger
Saarland University, Germany
Armin Weinberger is head and founder of the EduTech department at Saarland University. Formerly, he was Associate Professor at the Department of Instructional Technology, Faculty of Behavioral Sciences, University of Twente, the Netherlands. He was lecturer and research fellow at the University of Munich, the University of Tübingen, and the Knowledge Media Research Center, Germany. […]
Monica Divitini
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Monica Divitini is professor of Cooperation Technology at the Department of Information and Computer Science, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. She holds a PhD in Computer Science from Aalborg University, Denmark. Her research interests lie primarily in the areas of cooperation technology and technology enhanced learning, with focus on the development and evaluation of cooperation technologies addressing issues connected to […]
Davinia Hernández-Leo
Universitat Pompeu fabra, Spain
Davinia Hernández-Leo is a Full Professor at the Department of Information and Communications Technologies Department (DTIC) at UPF, the coordinator of the Interactive and Distributed Technologies for Education group (TIDE), Vice-Dean of the UPF Engineering School and the Head of its Unit for Teaching Quality and Innovation. She obtained a degree and a Ph.D on […]
Viktoria Pammer-Schindler
Graz University of Technology
Viktoria Pammer-Schindler is an associate professor at Graz University of Technology, and a research area head at the Know-Center, a non-for profit research organisation. Her research is on designing and evaluating socio-interventions for workplace learning and knowledge work; and sits at the intersection of technology-enhanced learning, human-computer interaction and information system research.
Mikhail Fominykh
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Mikhail Fominykh is a researcher, developer and enthusiast in the area of technology-enhanced learning. Mikhail is serving as a Secretary and as the Education chair in the executive board of EATEL from 2021 to 2025. Mikhail holds a researcher position in the IMTEL research group at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU, […]
Highlights from the Survey of Doctoral Education in Technology-Enhanced Learning
📅 12:00 Central European Time
In this short presentation, we will present the highlights of the Survey of Doctoral Education in Technology-Enhanced Learning, conducted in 2020-2021. We collected 229 responses from doctoral candidates, researchers, and practitioners working in Technology-Enhanced Learning.
In this survey specifically we aimed to understand the current practice and shortcomings of institutional doctoral training in Technology-Enhanced Learning. Survey results serve as the evidence basis for further developments in doctoral training in the field in general, as well as for further activities that were carried out within the DETEL project.
The highlights of the survey include:
- Informing the design of the DETEL curriculum by finding out what topics are useful but have few educational resources.
- Research methods topics in doctoral education in in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- General PhD education topics in doctoral education in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Learning practices and learning sources used by doctoral candidates in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Information on the challenges of doctoral education in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Supervision practices in Technology-Enhanced Learning
Maria Victoria Soule
Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
María Victoria Soulé is a Spanish Language Instructor and Researcher at the Language Centre of the Cyprus University of Technology. She completed her BA in Classical Studies at the University of Barcelona, an MA in teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, an MPhil in Spanish Applied Linguistics and a PhD […]
Luis P. Prieto
Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Laia Albó
Universitat Pompeu fabra, Spain
Laia Albó is a postdoctoral researcher in the Research Group on Interactive and Distributed Technologies for Education (TIDE) at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona. Her research interest lies on the use of learning design, educational technologies and intelligent systems to support learning.
Doctoral Program for Technology-Enhanced Learning
📅 12:20 Central European Time
In this short presentation, we suggest a model of doctoral education for Technology-Enhanced Learning. The model is based on the results of the DETEL survey and workshops with researchers organized in the DETEL project.
Roland Klemke
Open University of The Netherlands, The Netherlands / TH Köln, Germany
Prof. Dr. Roland Klemke is chair of the department of Technology-enhanced Learning and Innovation of the Faculty of Educational Science of the Open University of the Netherlands. He leads national and international research projects in the TEL field. Research topics include artificial intelligence for education, multimodal learning experiences, augmented- and mixed-reality, multi-sensor architectures, serious gaming, game-based […]
Mikhail Fominykh
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Mikhail Fominykh is a researcher, developer and enthusiast in the area of technology-enhanced learning. Mikhail is serving as a Secretary and as the Education chair in the executive board of EATEL from 2021 to 2025. Mikhail holds a researcher position in the IMTEL research group at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU, […]
The Open book on Doctoral Education in Technology Enhanced Learning
📅 12:40 Central European Time
The Open book on Doctoral Education in Technology Enhanced Learning (DETEL book) is an open educational resource for doctoral candidates working in the field of Technology-Enhanced Learning and related fields.
The community behind this book aims to develop expertise in doctoral candidates, provide knowledge from multiple relevant perspectives and allows taking empirically-based decisions in implementing Technology-Enhanced Learning solutions in practice. The goal of the book is to bring doctoral education in Technology-Enhanced Learning to a new level with a high-quality resource to support better curricular integration and avoid fragmentation of the digitalization of education.
Benedikt Hensen
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Benedikt Hensen received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Computer Science in 2017 and 2019 from the RWTH Aachen University, Germany. He is currently a doctoral student and working as a Research Assistant at the Chair of Computer Science 5 at the RWTH Aachen University. In 2020, the university awarded him the Springorum commemorative coin […]
Mikhail Fominykh
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Mikhail Fominykh is a researcher, developer and enthusiast in the area of technology-enhanced learning. Mikhail is serving as a Secretary and as the Education chair in the executive board of EATEL from 2021 to 2025. Mikhail holds a researcher position in the IMTEL research group at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU, […]
Supporting organizations
This webinar is organized and supported by the consortium partners of the Doctoral Education for Technology-Enhanced Learning – DETEL project funded by the EU Erasmus+ program.
About the DETEL project
Doctoral Education for Technology-Enhanced Learning (DETEL) project will establish and deepen a strategic partnership for doctoral education in Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL). DETEL brings together 9 internationally renowned universities and the European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning to reflect their expertise in doctoral education into a new internationally validated program in TEL, extended with rich and professionally produced Open Educational Resources. The project grounds the design of the new program in the best practices in TEL doctoral education across Europe as well as institutional and national requirements.