Purpose of the SIG
The special interest group will push further and consolidate work on the grand challenge about technology-enhanced assessment formulated during the TEFA workshop at ECTEL 2010 and the STELLAR Alpine Rendezvous Workshop 2011 and the TEFA Workshops series. The special interest group will target a multidisciplinary perspective on technology-enhanced assessment and feedback and will involve actors from computer-science, psychometrics, educational sciences and other domains dealing with the use of technology for formative or summative assessment. The SIG will seek active cooperation with related SIGs like the EARLI SIG on Assessment and Evaluation or the EERA Network on Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement. Members of the SIG will actively contribute to the dissemination of the EATEL brand.
Chairs of the SIG
Dr. Eric Ras (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg)
Eric Ras is Group Leader of the Embedded Assessment Research Group at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology where he is recruiting and supervising researchers, PhD students, and Postdoctoral Fellows in the fields of technology-enhanced learning, and technology-based assessment in particular. His goal is to enhance knowledge-based approaches and technologies with innovative human-computer interfaces (e.g., tangible user interfaces) and to use semantic technologies to link learning content and generate assessment items. Information literacy and complex collaborative problem solving are those 21st century skills which are of relevance in his research projects. Industry4.0, smart manufacturing as well as the sector of FinTec are relevant application fields. He is also national anchor point in Luxembourg for machine translation.
Dr. Marco Kalz (Open University of the Netherlands)
Marco Kalz works as Associate Professor at the Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies (CELSTEC) of the Open University of the Netherlands. His research interest lies on the development, evaluation and implementation of new technologies that expand the learning opportunities for self-directed lifelong learners. Specific focus areas of his research are the use of pervasive technologies to create new learning context and connections between previously unconnected learning contexts and new approaches for assessment and feedback that help learners to combine their different context.
Prof. Dr. Denise Whitelock (The Open University, UK)
Denise has over twenty years experience in designing, researching and evaluating online and computer-based learning in Higher Education. She is a Professor of Technology Enhanced Assessment and Learning in the Open University’s Institute of Educational Technology and is directing the Supportive Automated Feedback for Short Essay Answers (SAFeSEA) project involving members of the Open University’s Institute of Educational Technology and Oxford University’s Department of Computer Science. She has edited four special journal issues on e-Assessment for BJET, LMTECI, .IJCELL and IJEA and has chaired the International CAA Conference for the past 4 years Her work has received international recognition as she holds visiting chairs at the Autonoma University, Barcelona and the British University in Dubai. She is also a serving member of the governing council for the Society for Research into Higher Education.
Communication and knowledge exchange with participants
For communicating with members of the SIG we use the mailing list (you can join below) or the Google Group.
Upcoming events
The SIG is co-organizing a TEFA 2016 workshop during the 2016 European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning taking place in Lyon, France on September 16.