Keynote 1: Are we there yet? From papers to a finished dissertation

Keynote 1: Are we there yet? From papers to a finished dissertation Monday 23/05 21:00-22:00 Main Hall Abstract. A growing number of universities are opening for the possibility to deliver PhD dissertations in form of collection of papers. In this presentation will discuss advantages and disadvantages of collection of papers


Monica Divitini
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway


23/05/2022 - 21:00


23/05/2022 - 22:00

Keynote 1: Are we there yet? From papers to a finished dissertation

Monday 23/05 21:00-22:00
Main Hall

A growing number of universities are opening for the possibility to deliver PhD dissertations in form of collection of papers. In this presentation will discuss advantages and disadvantages of collection of papers vs. monographies. Most important, we will reflect on how to write a good synopsis, bringing each paper into a coherent narrative. Which are the challenges? When should you start writing your synopsis? What should you focus on? The goal is to provide some food for thoughts and trigger discussion among the participants. The school offers a unique opportunity to discuss and compare regulations and practices across different universities and different countries.


About the speaker.

Monica Divitini is professor of Cooperation Technology at the Department of Information and Computer Science, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. She holds a PhD in Computer Science from Aalborg University, Denmark. Her research interests lie primarily in the areas of cooperation technology and technology enhanced learning, with focus on the development and evaluation of cooperation technologies addressing issues connected to creativity, playfulness, and interaction in learning. She has worked with learning in different domain areas, currently focusing on IT education at different educational levels. She is coordinator of the TESEO Lab initiative ( and leader of the Cluster on tools for Excited, the Norwegian Centre for excellence in IT education ( ).