Mai Geisen
German Sport University Cologne, GermanyStart
24/05/2022 - 21:00
24/05/2022 - 22:30
Visual feedback using XR: A real-time feedback training on performance optimization of the golf putt
Tuesday 24/05 21:00-22:30h
Main Hall
In sports, learning motion techniques plays an important role in increasing athletic performance. In golf a certain club stance can lead to differences in the performance development of players. To improve such a motion, learners need feedback about their own motion execution. It is known that feedback from human experts or technical devices enhances motor learning. Many studies have focused on visual feedback, e.g., using videos. With the help of emerging technologies such as extended reality (XR), it is possible for learners to receive visual feedback via head-mounted displays during their motion execution for real-time corrections. Because of the direct visual feedback, motions can be perceived more effectively and learning outcomes can be achieved more quickly. In golf, efficient feedback could contribute to optimizing a motor task in real time and to generate a faster performance improvement.
In this workshop we aim to present a newly developed XR-training for learning how to putt through real-time feedback. Participants are invited to try out the training by using a HoloLens2. Further, we want to discuss this innovative training method and possible follow-up research work in order to enhance technology-enhanced learning.
Needs Analysis
This workshop should be conducted because its focus is precisely on the conference theme of “technology-enhanced learning.” The topic will be dealt with in particular in the context of sports/sports science. Thus, the workshop focuses on innovative technology (Extended Reality) which is used to enhance learning of sports movements, i.e., performing and optimizing golf putts; a topic that is relevant both for sports- and computer science.
PhD candidates will specifically be able to dive into sport scientific learning methods combined with innovative technology. As far as the field of sport science will eventually be new to most workshop participants but at the same time many PhD candidates will have a technology background they might be able to share their thoughts on applying their individual research topics and knowledge in a pratical field such as sports.
In order to satify these needs, the workshop will include a lot of practical learning as well as open discussions, thereby at the same time ensuring an informal and enjoyable learning setting.
Learning Objectives
Participants of this workshop will specifically learn in a practical manner about the development of the new technology-based real-time feedback training in golf, then trying to optimize their putting performance by conducting the training themselves. Also, participants are invited to contribute own opinions, thoughts and suggestions for improving such a training as well as applying it to other sports or even application fields. The goal is also to help the PhD candidates getting a broader view for their own research topics. All in all, on the one hand the training method shall be critically evaluated and further elaborated, and on the other hand participants shall experience a technology-enhanced learning method from the field of sports science and might be able to get inspired in regards to their own research.
Participants do not need to prepare anything in order to participate in this informal learning workshop. The goal is to have an enjoyable and rather open learning setting for which participants shall only be motivated to try out a new technology-enhanced learning method, specifically within the field of golf sports. Also, no special pre-requisites are required in order to understand the content of the workshop. I will be presenting the development and conduction of the training as well as open a discussion round by asking for opinions/ideas etc. afterwards. During the practical phase participants will easily be understanding the training method by trying it out themselves. Wearing sports clothes is suggested but not mandatory.
Session Description
The session will include three phases of informal learning: 1) The innovative technology-enhanced training in sports will be presented: Participants are able to learn about the development and proceedings of the training method; 2) Practical phase: Participants will be wearing a HoloLens2 in which real-time feedback is given in order to optimize their putting performance; 3) Open discussion round: I will invite participants to think about and discuss questions such as ‘Did you enjoy using the system, i.e., conducting the training?’, ‘Do you think you could use this method for improving your putting performance in the long-term?’, ‘Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the training method (e.g., by changing technological conditions)’, ‘Do you have any ideas in mind on how to apply such as training method to other sports or other fields of application?’.
For studying the topic of the workshop further I recommend for the participants to research for and focus on the topic of ‘real-time feedback’ especially as it provides great opportunities for future scientific research and applications, not only within the field of sports but also beyond that. During the workshop I will provide the PhD candidates with some literature (including own review and study work). Further, one goal of this workshop shall also be to meet new people during this open and informal gathering, have fruitful discussions and possibly also find cooperation opportunities. Accordingly, I aim to suggest the latter as a post activity as well in order to let the field of technology-enhanced learning grow and bring people together in this regard.