The Eighteenth EATEL Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning 2024
11-19 May 2024 | Gabicce Mare, Pesaro, Italy
EATEL is inviting doctoral candidates and any other researchers in the Technology Enhanced Learning community to participate in the 18th Technology Enhanced Learning Summer School!
Application form: If you would like to participate in the summer school, we invite you to submit an application by filling in this form JTELSS24 participant application form. The application form contains: personal and practical questions (5 minutes to answer), questions about your PhD work (15 minutes to answer).
☄Review: We will try to review your submission and make a decision within one day after you submit this application.
Data: The data are securely stored by the RWTH Aachen University (EATEL member and partner).
Authors of accepted workshop: Dear authors of the accepted workshops, please, fill in the application form. You can skip all optional fields. It should only take 5 minutes for you.
️Costs: By default, summer school participants are expected to cover the costs of their trip and accommodation. These costs can be covered by internal university funds, by research projects, or by ‘learning mobility’ grants of the EU. Selected participants will be granted a scholarship from EATEL to cover all local costs (full board accommodation, excursions, materials).
️The application process is over. We may still be able to accept additional applicants. Please, let us know if you would like to apply.
The academic program of the EATEL summer school offers a wide variety of formal and informal learning activities. The types of training sessions you can expect and the topics we usually cover in the program are presented below.
Most of the sessions in the program are submitted by the TEL community members, while the keynotes and some other sessions are organized by EATEL and the JTELSS24 organizing committee.
The draft program with the specific sessions we offer this year is available on the Program page.
Workshop types of the JTELSS Activity Framework
The summer school offers six types of workshops. You can read more about them and the Summer School Activity Framework in the article “Interdisciplinary Doctoral Training in Technology-Enhanced Learning in Europe” in Frontiers in Education, 2020.
Contributed by the community via this Call for Workshops:
- Thematic workshops
- Methodology workshops
- Soft-skills workshops
- Informal learning sessions
- Career workshops
Sponsored by EATEL
- Invited workshops
- Keynotes
More about the JTELSS Activity Framework.
Level of relevance in the JTELSS program
The summer school offers workshops on four different levels tailored to the participants’ experience in Technology-Enhanced Learning.
- Level 0: General PhD
- Level 1: TEL Core
- Level 2: TEL Introductions
- Level 3: TEL ‘deep dive’
Learn more about the JTELSS Levels of Relevance.
The most popular Technology-Enhanced Learning topics are:
Learning analytics
Artificial Intelligence in education
Personalized and adaptive learning
Self-regulated / Informal Learning
Smart / Intelligent Learning Environments
Pedagogical Patterns
Visualization / Visual Analytics
Mixed and Augmented Reality
Engagement / Emotion / Affect
The most popular Methodological topics are:
Design-Based Research in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Quantitative methods in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Qualitative methods in Technology-Enhanced Learning
Topics marked with a star were found to be most important and sought after by PhD candidates, based on the DETEL Survey.
Read the full list of JTELSS Topics.
JTELSS Classics
At the summer school, we organize certain Level 0 General PhD sessions almost every year.
JTELSS Classics in 2024:
- Ice-breaking games
- Pecha Kucha
- Speed mentoring
- Poster and demo session
- Game Jam
JTELSS Essentials
We encouraged the community to submit workshops on one of the essential topics, which in our experience are highly appreciated by the participants.
JTELSS Essentials in 2024:
- Academic writing
- Systematic literature review
- Technology-Enhanced Learning history, interdisciplinarity, innovation, trends, misconceptions, or similar
- Introduction to Learning Analytics
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Education
- Research methodologies in TEL
- Quantitative data analysis
- Quantitative data analysis in TEL
- Qualitative data analysis
- Qualitative data analysis in TEL
- Design-Based Research
We encourage you to apply early so that you can benefit from early acceptance and arrange your travel plans.
- 21 February 2024 – Application submission opens
- (one day after you submit) – Notification of acceptance
- 22 March 2024 – Submission deadline for applications
- 05 April 2023 – Final notification of acceptance for applications
More information is available on the Important Dates page.
The hosting city of the Summer School 2024 is Gabicce Mare, a scenic town in the Province of Pesaro e Urbino, Marche on the coast of Italy. The Summer School will take place in the Michelacci Grand Hotel, a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ hotel.
More information is available on the Venue page.
You can learn about the cost of the summer school on the Fees page (Delayed. Will be available ASAP).
You can register on the Registration page (Delayed. Will be available ASAP) after your workshop proposal is accepted.
Scheduling your participation
You can register for a specific period you are planning to attend the event.
- The main program starts with the arrival on Saturday 11 May and ends on Saturday 19 May 2024.
We strongly recommend that you participate in the whole event!
What your registration fee will cover
The EATEL summer school follows a non-profit scheme. The organizing committee members work as volunteers to make the event possible. The educational program is provided free of charge.
The cost of the school covers accommodation, meals, transfer, excursions, conference facilities at the venue, and printed materials. All these costs will be listed in a single invoice issued by EATEL for each participant during the registration process.
Our registration options include the following:
- Accommodation for each day (by default, check-in on 11 May and check-out on 19 May) in a double room (one person in a room or sharing a double room)
- Full board meals (by default, from dinner on 11 May to breakfast on 19 May)
- Sunday full-day excursion
- Wednesday half-day excursion
- Conference facilities at the venue
- Printed materials
You can arrive earlier and stay later in the venue hotel, taking advantage of our special rates. You can also bring a guest with you (partner/family/friend). We designed a separate registration form for private stay and for guests.
EATEL scholarship
The scholarships will be distributed to PhD-student applicants from low, lower-middle and upper-middle income countries (from all regions of the World). The full list of countries can be found at the website of the World Bank under the titles: low-income, lower-middle and upper-middle income economies (check on this page).
Important to note that the PhD candidates currently living in the low, lower-middle and upper-middle income countries are eligible for scholarships.
The application for the EATEL scholarship is included in the JTELSS24 participant application form. If you are applying for the EATEL scholarship, please, fill in the optional section “Summary of the PhD work” in the application form.
EATEL membership discount
All active individual and institutional EATEL members are eligible for the 25€ EATEL membership discount. You can check your membership status on your profile page of the EATEL membership system.
EATEL institutional members are listed on the members page of the EATEL website. If you work at any of these organizations, you are eligible for the membership discount.
Both institutional and individual EATEL membership gives you registration discounts at the EATEL summer school and at the ECTEL Conference during one year. If you plan to attend both events in 2024, we recommend you become a member of EATEL.
Funding sources
PhD candidates can use different funding schemes to cover the cost of the summer school. As EATEL-sponsored scholarships are only available for applicants from low-income countries, we advise you to look for local or university funding. The EATEL summer school will provide great value to the progress of your research and studies. The contents of the school can extend or replace some of your courses.
Another option to cover the cost is to apply for an Erasmus+ teacher mobility funding. For this option, please, contact your international relations office. Remember, that this year the school is hosted in collaboration with the University of Bologna.
More information is available on the Erasmus+ mobility page.
The social program includes a full day excursion on Sunday 12 May, and a half-day excursion and a Gala dinner on Wednesday 15 May.
The summer school program includes a wide variety of informal learning sessions and optional social activities every evening.
More information is available on the Excursions page.