⚠️ The EATEL summer School workshops are submitted via an open call for workshops by the TEL community members. The workshops are evaluated before they are accepted to be included in the program of the summer school.
Thematic Workshops on the latest trends and key concepts of TEL
Topics marked with a star were found to be most important and sought after by PhD candidates, based on our needs analysis.
- ⭐Learning analytics
- ⭐Artificial Intelligence in education
- ⭐Personalized and adaptive learning
- ⭐Self-regulated / Informal Learning
- ⭐Smart / Intelligent Learning Environments
- ⭐Pedagogical Patterns
- ⭐Gamification
- ⭐Visualization / Visual Analytics
- ⭐Mixed and Augmented Reality
- ⭐Engagement / Emotion / Affect
- Wearable Enhanced Learning
- Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Content
- Microlearning
- Immersive Technologies (Virtual Reality and Simulations)
- Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs)
- Scalability / mainstreaming
- Blockchain in education
- Competence Development
- Intelligent tutoring
- Connecting Learning (Social media / web 2.0 / social software), Connectivism, Learning Networks, and Communities of Practice
- Interoperability and standards in TEL
- Knowledge Work Management / Knowledge Maturing
- Application domains of TEL
- Learning Object Repositories and Meta-Data
- Game-based learning
- Problem-based and Inquiry-based learning
- Responsive learning environments
- Robots in education
- Knowledge Representation: Semantic Web
- Recommender systems
- Remote labs
- Constructionism / maker spaces
- Pervasive, ubiquitous and mobile technologies for learning
- Assessment technology and Technology-Enhanced Assessment (TEA)
- Orchestration
- Authoring tools in TEL
- Professional TEL / Workplace learning
- Security and privacy in learning / Ethics
- Big Data / Open data
- Digitally mediated communication
- Sensors / Multimodal Learning Analytics
- Cloud in TEL
- Personal Learning Environments (PLE)
- HR Management / Learning Processes
- E-Mentoring
- Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
- TEL Business case / Case Studies
- TEL Policy
- Contextualised Learning
- Learning systems (LMS / VLE)
Methodology workshops
- Quantitative methods in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Qualitative methods in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Research design
- Research ethics
- Design-Based Research in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Action research in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Information systems methods in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- HCI methods in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Software engineering methods in Technology-Enhanced Learning
Soft-skills workshops
- PhD well-being
- Academic writing and publishing
- Data visualization and presentation of research results
- Scientific communication, including use of social media
- Pitching of research ideas
Informal learning sessions
- Pecha Kucha – introduce yourself in 1 minute with 1 slide
- Fish Bowl – highly engaging and intensive discussion
- Speed Mentoring – short one-to-one mentoring with several senior researchers
- Educational board games – learning research design in a highly informal setting
- Technology-Enhanced Learning community-development discussions
Career workshops
- Business and entrepreneurship opportunities in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- European funding for research in Technology-Enhanced Learning
PhD students presenting their own research
- Poster and demo session
- Mini-doctoral consortium