For workshop organizers

Who can submit JTELSS workshops?

A large part of the JTELSS program is formed by workshops suggested and delivered by the TEL research community. Any participant can submit one or multiple workshops.

How to submit a JTELSS workshop?

Interested community members will need to submit a “JTELSS workshop proposal” via a form that will be open in the Call for Workshops.

For participants

Who can participate in JTELSS?

JTELSS is an intensive training event for PhD candidates (but also master students, researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts) interested in the topic of TEL.

How to participate in JTELSS?

Anyone interested in participating in the summer school will need to submit a simple “JTELSS participant application” via a form that will be open in the Call for Participants. By submitting this application, you indicate your intention to participate in the event.

Workshop submission opens

11 December 2023

Please, follow instructions in the Call for Workshops!

Submission deadline for workshop

1 February 2024

Please, follow instructions in the Call for Workshops (closed on 1 February 2024)!

Notification of acceptance for workshop proposals

15 February 2024

Please, check the Accepted Workshops page!

Draft program published

15 February 2024

Please, consult the JTELSS24 Program page!

Participant application opens

18 February 2024 (delayed)

Please, follow instructions in the Call for Participants!

Registration opens

1 March 2024

Authors of the accepted workshop proposals can now register. All other participants will need to wait for their application to be accepted.

Please, consult the Fees page and register on the Registration page!

Open webinar for PhD candidates in TEL

8 March 2024

We will publish the detailed program of the webinar. It will be possible to ask questions about the upcoming event and the application process.

Instructor webinar

17 March 2024

Instructors will receive invitations!

Submission deadline for participants

22 March 2024

Please, follow instructions in the Call for Participants!

Notification of acceptance for participants

5 April 2024

Please, follow instructions in the Call for Participants!

Registration deadline

19 April 2023

Please, consult the Registration page!

Pre-summer school closed webinar for all participants

26 April 2024

All registered participants will receive invitations!

Arrival to Gabicce Mare

11 May 2024

Please, consult the Arrival and Departure page!

Pre-summer school full-day social event

12 May 2024

Please, consult the Excursions page!

Summer school main academic program

13-17 May 2024

Summer school extra workshop day

18 May 2024

Departure from Gabicce Mare

19 May 2023

Please, consult the Arrival and Departure page!