Data-Driven Strategies for Enhanced Educational Outcomes through effective Learning Design

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Data-Driven Strategies for Enhanced Educational Outcomes through effective Learning Design Friday 17/05 17:30-19:00h Workshop Space A Needs Analysis In today's higher education landscape, the impact of learning design on student performance is significant, yet often overlooked. The gap between theory and practice in how instructors’ structure and deliver educational content


Ekaterina Soroka
Studiumdigitale - Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Katharina Dahmann
Studiumdigitale - Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Germany
neutral portrait picture
Lukas Menzel
Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany


17/05/2024 - 17:30


17/05/2024 - 19:00

Data-Driven Strategies for Enhanced Educational Outcomes through effective Learning Design

Friday 17/05 17:30-19:00h
Workshop Space A
Needs Analysis

In today’s higher education landscape, the impact of learning design on student performance is significant, yet often overlooked. The gap between theory and practice in how instructors’ structure and deliver educational content hinders effective learning. In this workshop, we will introduce “FoLA | digital”, a tool that addresses such challenges. It comes to aid of instructors by providing integrated features throughout the learning design process which follow pedagogically sound principles. This tool named “FoLA | digital” supports the creation and analysis of learning designs, offering insights through analytics to improve educational outcomes. It bridges the theoretical and practical aspects of Learning Analytics, facilitating deeper understanding, engagement, and retention. This workshop is crucial for educators seeking to optimize teaching strategies and enhance learner outcomes through technology-driven, data-informed decisions.


Learning Objectives

After taking part in this workshop the participants will:

  • be able to identify and explain ways in which learning design can influence learners’ performance (Understanding Learning Design Impact).
  • have gained experience in using “”FoLA | digital”” by completing a hands-on exercise and receiving feedback on their results (Tool Proficiency).
  • be able to analyze learning design and learning data, accurately interpret key metrics, make data-informed decisions and showcase their findings through group-discussions (Data Analysis and Interpretation).
  • be able to collaborate effectively by engaging in a detailed discussion, and translate their analysis and interpretation into actionable required steps aiming to identify potential refinements in the learning design (Iterative Design Application).


  1. Participants should have an interest in exploring how learning designs can be optimized for better educational outcomes (Interest in Educational Design).
  2. Basic comfort with data interpretation and a willingness to engage with both learning design and learning analytics is recommended but not essential (Willingness to Engage with Data).
  3. Openness to working collaboratively in the creation and analysis of learning designs is required (Collaborative Approach).
  4. Familiarity with learning management systems, preferably Moodle, for understanding learning data is an advantage but not essential (Basic Technical Skills).


Session Description

In this workshop, participants will delve into the crucial role of learning design in shaping educational outcomes. Using a specially developed tool, they will collaboratively create learning designs and subsequently analyze these. The workshop simulates a complete teaching-learning cycle, from design, to implementation and finally the analysis of learning design data combined with learning data. Participants will critically assess the effectiveness of the learning designs based on data analysis. Discussing potential improvements and alterations. This process will not only foster an understanding of effective learning design but also highlight the importance of data-driven iterations for optimal educational experiences.