Methodologies for TEL research: Intersecting methods from user experience, social sciences and HCI

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Methodologies for TEL research: Intersecting methods from user experience, social sciences and HCI Thursday 08/06 16:00-17:30h Plenary Hall ----- Friday 09/06 16:00-17:30h Plenary Hall Abstract In the session we will demonstrate different timelines and prototypical PhD projects run in previous years and how they combined different research methods. Also for


Marcus Specht
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Marco Kalz
Heidelberg University of Education, Germany
Hendrik Drachsler
Hendrik Drachsler
Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education - DIPF, Germany


08/06/2023 - 16:00


09/06/2023 - 17:30

Methodologies for TEL research: Intersecting methods from user experience, social sciences and HCI

Thursday 08/06 16:00-17:30h
Plenary Hall
Friday 09/06 16:00-17:30h
Plenary Hall

In the session we will demonstrate different timelines and prototypical PhD projects run in previous years and how they combined different research methods. Also for the timeline and mixed methods in the presented projects alternative approaches will be discussed. In the next step the participants will develop their own timelines and method combinations and then pitch these in the third part in a kind of hot seat session to the other participants and discuss with the organisers.


Needs Analysis

The workshop gives an overview of a typical timelines of a TEL PhD and the methods used in different phases, the PhD will on the one hand be able to see different variations of mixed methods approaches in TEL research, relate to their own project and also get alterantive possibilities for research approaches in different phases.


Learning Objectives

  • The participants will understand different research methods in the context of TEL research.
  • The participants will be able to undertand the role of different components in mixed methods for TEl research.
  • The participants will see the role of different evaluation methods from disciplines as educational science, social science, and human-computer interaction in the development of TEL solutions.



No previous study required, Good knowledge of research methods helps.


Session Description

In the session we will demonstrate different timelines and prototypical PhD projects run in previous years and how they combined different research methods. Also for the timeline and mixed methods alternative approaches will be discussed. In the next step the PhDs will develop their own timelines and method combination and then pitch these in the third part in a kind of hot seat session to the other participants and discuss with the organisers.