Keynote 2: Rigor, ethics, wellbeing and resilience in the TEL doctoral journey
Monday 05/06 21:00-22:00
Plenary Hall
The doctoral thesis trajectory has been often characterized as a “long and windy road” or a journey to “Ithaka”, suggesting the promises and challenges of this journey of initiation to research. The doctoral candidates need to complete such journey (i) preserving and even enhancing their wellbeing, (ii) overcoming the many challenges through resilience, while keeping (iii) high standards of ethics and (iv) scientific rigor. This talk will provide a personal account of lessons learnt and recommendations from a senior researcher over his 30+ years of doctoral supervision and care for doctoral students. Specific attention will be paid on the special features of the (i) interdisciplinary doctoral research in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), (ii) the eventual convergence of mindsets and epistemological traditions in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and human-oriented learning, educational or social sciences, as well as (iii) the specific challenges posed by the human-oriented features of the TEL field.
About the speaker.
Dr. Yannis Dimitriadis is Full Professor of Telematics Engineering at the University of Valladolid, Spain. He has co-supervised 20 doctoral theses in the last 30 years, served as Dean of the Doctoral School, delivered doctoral courses on research methodologies and participated in multiple doctoral workshops and colloquia. He is the coordinator of the GSIC/EMIC research group, an inter-disciplinary group, integrating over 20 researchers and practitioners from the field of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and Pedagogy. His recent research work has focused on human-centered approaches for technology-enhanced learning (TEL), learning analytics and smart learning environments, alignment of learning design and learning analytics, design patterns, conceptual and technological support to the orchestration of computer-supported collaborative learning processes, active pedagogies at scale, and across-spaces (Web, 3D worlds and augmented reality) learning. He has participated in more than 60 competitive research projects on TEL, co-authored more than 100 journal papers and 220 conference papers, and organized several workshops and symposia, such as the LAK 2021 and LAK 2022 workshops on Human-Centered Learning Analytics. Dr. Dimitriadis is a senior member of IEEE, and member of ISLS and Solar, and spent his most recent sabbatical year (2017-2018) at UC Berkeley, University of Edinburgh, and EPFL.