Board Game Night: "The PhD Game"

Informal Learning Session How to Fail Your Research Degree was created to deliver knowledge and understanding of research processes and techniques, within the context of a postgraduate training program at Glasgow School of Art. Development was in relation to the concepts of encouraging creativity and risk-taking within a safe game


Mikhail Fominykh
Mikhail Fominykh
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway


26/05/2020 - 21:00


26/05/2020 - 22:00


Main Hall   View map

Informal Learning Session

How to Fail Your Research Degree was created to deliver knowledge and understanding of research processes and techniques, within the context of a postgraduate training program at Glasgow School of Art. Development was in relation to the concepts of encouraging creativity and risk-taking within a safe game environment and of learning by (potentially) failing. Game characteristics and intended learning outcomes were defined, leading to game mechanics and text that emphasize player agency, working within a time limit, and humor. This game will be played two times, each time – by eight players. A total of 16 players will be able to play. It will be possible to sign up at Tuesday dinner (just before the session).

All participants are free to bring their own board games and invite others to play!