Academic writing in TEL

Methodology Workshop As PhDs and researchers at some point, we need to report our research. In this workshop attendees will create a draft of a paper while learning important steps about academic writing; including the purpose of an academic paper, structure of a paper, objectives, and content of each of



25/05/2020 - 16:00


25/05/2020 - 17:30


Main Hall   View map

Methodology Workshop

As PhDs and researchers at some point, we need to report our research. In this workshop attendees will create a draft of a paper while learning important steps about academic writing; including the purpose of an academic paper, structure of a paper, objectives, and content of each of the sections. The workshop will include small rounds for reviewing each other’s work and discussions about best practices for writing papers (dealing with writer’s block, things that make reviewers angry, etc.). This is a two-part workshop and it would be good if participants attend both parts.