The Nineteenth EATEL Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning 2025
10-18 May 2025 | Rethymno, Crete, Greece
The European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning (EATEL) is inviting researchers, educators, and practitioners in the Technology Enhanced Learning community to submit workshops to our 19th Technology Enhanced Learning Summer School – JTELSS25!
Submission form: If you would like to offer a workshop at the summer school, we invite you to submit it through this JTELSS25 Workshop submission form (or use the button below). Keep in mind the main target group of the summer school – early and mid-stage PhD candidates working in the field of TEL.
Data: If your workshop proposal is selected, the information you submitted in the proposal will be published on the summer school website. The data are securely stored by the RWTH Aachen University (EATEL member and partner).
⏳Duration: Workshops are usually 90 minutes. You can apply for a 2 x 90 minutes duration, but we might not be able to provide two slots in the program.
Multiple workshops: You can submit multiple workshop proposals. However, you can be an organizer or co-organizer for up to three workshops. A workshop with a duration of 2 x 90 minutes will take two slots in the allowed number of workshops you can co-organize. One option is to co-author one 2 x 90 minute workshop together with one 90-minute workshop. Another option is to co-author three 90-minute workshops. Each workshop will require its own submission. Workshop proposals of the “JTELSS Essentials” category and those submitted for the extra program day do not count towards the maximum allowed number of workshops.
Workshop instructions: We encourage balanced sessions that combine introduction of concepts or theory with interactive and practical activities.
Extra program day: The extra program day will contain various networking, match-making, and other collaborative activities. The extra program day is scheduled for Saturday 17 May. You are welcome to propose and organize activities that do not fit the format suggested for the workshops. The extra program day is optional to attend.
Costs: Please note that workshop organizers are expected to cover the costs of their trip and accommodation. These costs can be covered by internal university funds or research projects. We are currently exploring the possibility of providing support for Erasmus mobilities, so that you could use ‘teaching mobility’ and ‘training mobility’ grants from the EU.
Workshop types of the JTELSS Activity Framework
The summer school offers six types of workshops. You can read more about them and the Summer School Activity Framework in the article “Interdisciplinary Doctoral Training in Technology-Enhanced Learning in Europe” in Frontiers in Education, 2020 or on the JTELSS Activity Framework page.
Thematic workshops
Thematic workshops cover one or multiple wide or narrow areas of TEL research or practice, subdomains within the TEL field. The topics of the workshops change year by year, driven by community interest. Some of the most common topics are listed below.
Methodology workshops
Methodological workshops focus on different research methodologies that can be applied in various contexts of TEL research, such as systematic reviews, design-based research, statistics for TEL, field studies, and many others.
Soft-skills workshops
Soft-skills workshops focus on developing research-related soft skills, such as well-being, academic writing, data visualization, dissemination & communication, or presentation skills.
Informal learning sessions
Informal learning sessions encourage active participation and allow participants to present their work, bring up their questions and challenges, without any restriction to specific topics. These sessions play a key role in developing strong ties in the community, contributing to the social atmosphere of the event. The following informal learning sessions are usually offered by the organization team: Ice-breaker, Pecha Kucha, Pitch and Poster session, Game Night, and Speed Mentoring.
Career workshops
Career workshops usually target late-stage PhD candidates and focus on opportunities for PhD graduates in both academia and business.
Invited workshops
As dedicated organizers of JTELSS, we are committed to providing unparalleled learning and networking opportunities. In our ongoing efforts to enhance the summer school experience, unless covered by volunteer submissions, we will actively seek and invite accomplished lecturers to deliver specialized workshops covering diverse aspects such as relevant TEL topics, research methodology, career planning, and more.
Keynotes presented by established researchers cover central themes as well as frontiers topics. Keynote speakers are selected and invited by the organization team. It is not possible to propose lectures or keynote sessions. Since 2018, it was decided to accept only interactive workshops via the open call, removing the lecture category from the open submission process, while at the same time increasing the number of keynotes and managing the speakers by drafting process centrally through invitation.
Level of relevance in the JTELSS program
The summer school offers workshops on four different levels tailored to the participants’ experience in Technology-Enhanced Learning. You can read more about them on the JTELSS Levels of Relevance page or below.
Level 0: General PhD
Tailored for all PhD candidates, irrespective of their specific research area. Ideal for participants seeking a comprehensive understanding and foundational skills crucial to their PhD journey. Examples of general PhD topics: “Academic writing”, “Academic publishing”, “Data visualization”, “Quantitative data analysis”, “PhD mental health”, “Research ethics”, etc.
Level 1: TEL Core.
These workshops delve into the foundational aspects of TEL, offering a comprehensive exploration of key concepts and practices that are universally relevant to all PhD candidates in the field of TEL. TEL Core workshops are ideal for those seeking a holistic perspective on the TEL field itself, broadening awareness, and getting into the field. Examples of TEL Core topics: “What is TEL?”, “Methodologies in TEL research”, “Interdisciplinarity of TEL research”, “Historical perspective of TEL research”, “TEL research across the world”, etc.
Level 2: TEL Introductions
These workshops offer introductions to the key sub-topics of TEL. Participants are offered to deepen their understanding of a chosen sub-topic or method, gaining valuable expertise that aligns with their research interests. Examples of the TEL Introductions: “Introduction to learning analytics”, “Latest trends in AI in education”, “Gamification in TEL”, “Introduction to Open educational resources”, etc.
Level 3: TEL ‘deep dive’
Workshops that go into details of specific topics and can be highly relevant to some participants. They provide focused insights into a particular aspect of the TEL field, a specific approach or technology. Examples of TEL ‘deep dives’: “A new approach to apply learning analytics in higher education”, “Better AI in education: experience from our project”, “How to design better feedback with technology in schools: results of a study”, etc.
The list of topics covered by JTELSS can be found on the JTELSS Topics page or below.
All workshops submitted by the TEL community members will be evaluated by the program committee of the JTELSS25 organization team before they are accepted and included in the program.
We expect more workshop submissions than we can fit into the program, therefore, rejections might happen as well. The key to a successful proposal is the relevance of the workshop topic for our target audience – PhD candidates working in the field of TEL.
Topics marked with a star were found to be most important and sought after by PhD candidates, based on our needs analysis.
- ⭐Learning analytics
- ⭐Artificial Intelligence in education
- ⭐Personalized and adaptive learning
- ⭐Self-regulated / Informal Learning
- ⭐Smart / Intelligent Learning Environments
- ⭐Pedagogical Patterns
- ⭐Gamification
- ⭐Visualization / Visual Analytics
- ⭐Mixed and Augmented Reality
- ⭐Engagement / Emotion / Affect
- Wearable Enhanced Learning
- Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Content
- Microlearning
- Immersive Technologies (Virtual Reality and Simulations)
- Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs)
- Scalability / mainstreaming
- Blockchain in education
- Competence Development
- Intelligent tutoring
- Connecting Learning (Social media / web 2.0 / social software), Connectivism, Learning Networks, and Communities of Practice
- Interoperability and standards in TEL
- Knowledge Work Management / Knowledge Maturing
- Application domains of TEL
- Learning Object Repositories and Meta-Data
- Game-based learning
- Problem-based and Inquiry-based learning
- Responsive learning environments
- Robots in education
- Knowledge Representation: Semantic Web
- Recommender systems
- Remote labs
- Constructionism / maker spaces
- Pervasive, ubiquitous and mobile technologies for learning
- Assessment technology and Technology-Enhanced Assessment (TEA)
- Orchestration
- Authoring tools in TEL
- Professional TEL / Workplace learning
- Security and privacy in learning / Ethics
- Big Data / Open data
- Digitally mediated communication
- Sensors / Multimodal Learning Analytics
- Cloud in TEL
- Personal Learning Environments (PLE)
- HR Management / Learning Processes
- E-Mentoring
- Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
- TEL Business case / Case Studies
- TEL Policy
- Contextualised Learning
- Learning systems (LMS / VLE)
- Quantitative methods in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Qualitative methods in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Research design
- Research ethics
- Design-Based Research in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Action research in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Information systems methods in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- HCI methods in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Software engineering methods in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- PhD well-being
- Academic writing and publishing
- Data visualization and presentation of research results
- Scientific communication, including use of social media
- Pitching of research ideas
- Pecha Kucha – introduce yourself in 1 minute with 1 slide
- Fish Bowl – highly engaging and intensive discussion
- Speed Mentoring – short one-to-one mentoring with several senior researchers
- Educational board games – learning research design in a highly informal setting
- Technology-Enhanced Learning community-development discussions
- Business and entrepreneurship opportunities in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- European funding for research in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Poster and demo session
- Mini-doctoral consortium
At the summer school, we organize certain Level 0 General PhD sessions almost every year. If you would like to organize or co-organize one or multiple of these (or similar) sessions, please contact the program chairs instead of submitting a custom workshop.
JTELSS Classics in 2025:
- Ice-breaking games
- Pecha Kucha
- Poster and demo session
- Game Jam
We encourage you to submit a workshop on one of the essential topics, which in our experience are highly appreciated by the participants. The workshop chairs will categorize your workshop as JTELSS Essential if it is fully dedicated to one of the suggested topics.
JTELSS Essentials in 2025:
- Academic writing
- Systematic literature review
- Technology-Enhanced Learning history, interdisciplinarity, innovation, trends, misconceptions, or similar
- Introduction to Learning Analytics
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in Education
- Research methodologies in TEL
- Quantitative data analysis
- Quantitative data analysis in TEL
- Qualitative data analysis
- Qualitative data analysis in TEL
- Design-Based Research
There are two submission deadlines (one for workshop proposals and one for participant applications) and consequently two notification dates. These are the dates for the authors of workshops:
- 22 December 2024 – Workshop submission opens
01 February 202508 February 2025 – Submission deadline for workshop proposals10 February 202517 February 2025 – Notification of acceptance for workshop proposals
More information is available on the Important Dates page.
JTELSS25 will be hosted in Rethymno, on the north coast of Crete, Greece. The summer school will take place at the luxurious Aquila Rithymna Beach, a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ hotel.
More information is available on the Venue page.
You can learn about the cost of the summer school on the Fees page (info by 1 March 2025).
You can register on the Registration page (online 1 March 2025) after your workshop proposal has been accepted.
Scheduling your participation
You can register for a specific period you are planning to attend the event.
- The recommended arrival day is Saturday, 10 May 2025.
- Our main social event will be on Sunday, 11 May 2025.
- The main academic program starts on Monday, 12 May and ends on Friday, 16 May 2025.
- The extra program day will be organized on Saturday, 17 May 2025.
- The recommended departure day is on Sunday, 18 May 2025.
We strongly recommend that you participate in the whole event, but we will try to accommodate your request to schedule your workshop for a specific day.
You can arrive up to 5 days earlier and stay up to 5 days longer in the venue hotel, taking advantage of our special rates. You can also bring a guest with you (partner/family). We designed a separate registration form for private stays and for guests.
What your registration fee will cover
The EATEL summer school follows a non-profit scheme. The organizing committee members work as volunteers to make the event possible. The educational program is provided free of charge.
The registration fee of the school covers the costs of accommodation, meals, excursions, conference facilities at the venue, and printed materials for each participant. All these costs will be listed in a single invoice issued by EATEL for each participant during the registration process.
EATEL membership discount
All active individual and institutional EATEL members are eligible for the 25€ EATEL membership discount. You can check your membership status on your profile page of the EATEL membership system.
EATEL institutional members are listed on the Institutional Members page of the EATEL website. If you work at any of these organizations, you are eligible for the membership discount.
Both institutional and individual EATEL membership gives you registration discounts at the EATEL summer school and at the ECTEL Conference during one year. If you plan to attend both events in 2025, we recommend you become a member of EATEL.
Funding sources
Instructors who plan to deliver workshops often use funding from research projects to cover the cost. The EATEL summer school is a primary event in Europe for dissemination and networking in the Technology-Enhanced Learning community.
PhD candidates can use different funding schemes to cover the cost of the summer school. As scholarships are only available for applicants from low-income countries, we advise you to look for local or university funding. The EATEL summer school will provide great value to the progress of your research and studies. The contents of the school can extend or replace some of your courses.
Another option to cover the cost is to apply for an Erasmus+ teaching and training mobility funding. We are currently exploring the possibility of providing support for Erasmus mobilities. While we do not have updates at this time, we will keep you informed as more information becomes available.
The social program includes a full day excursion on Sunday, 11 May, and a half-day excursion and a Gala dinner on Wednesday, 14 May. The summer school program includes a wide variety of informal learning sessions and optional social activities every evening.
More information is available on the Excursions page.