Teaching TEL: Curriculum development and exchange structure for European TEL teaching

A workshop at ECTEL 2023

University Aveiro, Portugal | September 5th, 2023 at 9:00-13:00


Despite a growing attention to digital education since the pandemic, there is currently a lack of cooperation and exchange between (European) TEL teaching activities (study program, tracks, single courses). An initial analysis of masters programs in TEL worldwide (Fominykh et al. 2022) has identified 169 programs at master’s level. This analysis has revealed that programs are primarily rooted in educational faculties and most programs are offered in North America (69%), followed by continental Europe (15%), and the UK (10%). While the analysis has revealed an overlap of some curriculum structures, there is need for further research on TEL teaching. In addition, in several institutional contexts, the setup of full TEL-study programs is a challenge and TEL teaching is happening on a module or course level even increasing the need for joint initiatives and a European exchange on TEL education in Europe. As an initial step, the authors of this workshop proposal have established an EATEL special interest group (EATEL SIG CUPTEL)  to intensify the collaboration of TEL programs (including modules and tracks) and to establish exchange structures for students and staff.

The workshop will establish a forum for connecting TEL programs in Europe, UK and beyond, including non-English language programs worldwide. The multidisciplinary heritage of TEL should be discussed with the goal to attain a shared understanding of epistemologies and basic components of TEL curricula. Furthermore, the workshop should establish an awareness of joint opportunities and challenges for program boards. Furthermore, an initial blueprint for the development of exchange structures will be developed. Program leaders and lecturers will be invited to submit a profile paper about their program (or module/track) according to some predefined criteria (module structure, disciplinary background, student profiles, balance between theory and application) to allow comparison. Contributors to the workshop will be invited to become co-authors on the white-paper in TEL education. The workshop will be open for all interested participants.  After an initial presentation of the similarities and differences between programs, interactive discussion and working sessions will take place during the workshop, dealing with curriculum development, student profiles, exchange structures and potential joint research. The logic of the workshop will start with the identification of current challenges and the participants will work towards joint solutions. The workshop will be the beginning of a cooperation towards a joint white-paper and a framework for establishing exchange structures for students and staff.

Call for position papers

We ask interested contributors for a position papers of max 4 pages with the following structure:

  • 1 page description of the module structure/track content
  • 1,5 page description of the challenges for curriculum development
  • 0,5 pages of internationalisation and mobility options
  • 1 page description of graduates profiles and job opportunities

Contributors who submit a position paper will be able to present their program at the workshop and will be invited as co-authors for the white paper after the workshop.

Target groups

  • Teaching staff involved in masters, tracks or modules on TEL
  • Programme managers interested in Internationalisation of their programs
  • Researchers
  • Students of TEL programs

Objectives and outcomes

The workshop is intended to continue the establishment of a network of TEL teaching initiatives in Europe and the UK. While the SIG CUPTEL has already provided a good basis for discussion, more representatives of TEL teaching activities are required to reach a critical number of people and to represent the diversity of initiatives. In the workshop, joint challenges and opportunities of TEL teaching formats will be identified. Initial concepts for exchange structures for students and staff will be drafted and the potential for joint (comparative) research will be discussed. As a result, the workshop will develop an initial framework for mobility opportunities for students and staff and a whitepaper on TEL teaching will be written.


  • 15 of June 2023: Publication of workshop website and call for profile papers
  • 1st of August 2023: Deadline for submission of profile papers
  • 5h of September 2023: Workshop
  • 1st of December 2023: Publication of whitepaper on TEL teaching

Workshop structure

09:00 – 09:30 ⌛ Presentation of position papers (through the organizers)

09:30 – 10:30 ⌛ Interactive session on challenges of TEL teaching

10:30 – 11:30 ⌛ Group work in four groups: Student profiles, exchange structures, networked pedagogy, curriculum development

11:30 – 12:15 ⌛ Presentations of the results

12:15 – 13:00 ⌛ White paper structure and work division


Current related work

Fominykh, M., Weidlich, J., Kalz, M., & Hybertsen, I. D. (2022). What do they TEL (L)? A systematic analysis of master programs in technology-enhanced learning. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 19(1), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41239-021-00305-7

