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Nineteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning

Inclusive and equitable quality education for all

Krems, Austria, 16-20 September 2024

Research papers

Development and evaluation of learning scenarios for technostress in schools Seyma Kocak and Jan Pawlowski
The impact of topic-specific vs. generic self-reflection on students’ metacognitive abilities, conceptual understanding, and problem-solving strategies Elien Sijmkens, Mieke De Cock and Tinne De Laet
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words: Exploring Diagram and Video-Based OOP Exercises to Counter LLM Over-Reliance Bruno Pereira Cipriano, Pedro Alves and Paul Denny
Addressing Mind Wandering in Video-Based Learning: A Comparative Study on the Impact of Interpolated Testing and Self-Explanation Daniel Ebbert, Alrike Claassen, Natasha Wilson, Srecko Joksimovic, Negin Mirriahi and Shane Dawson
Exploring learners’ self-reflection and intended actions after consulting learning analytics dashboards in an authentic learning setting Tornike Giorgashvili, Ioana Jivet, Cordula Artelt, Daniel Biedermann, Daniel Bengs, Frank Goldhammer, Carolin Hahnel, Julia Mendzheritskaya, Julia Mordel, Monica Onofrei, Marc Winter, Ilka Wolter, Holger Horz and Hendrik Drachsler
A Systematic Review of State-of-the-art Practices in Multi-user Virtual Reality Learning Frank Wehrmann and Raphael Zender
The Impact of Connecting Worked Examples and Completion Problems for Introductory Programming Practice Kamil Akhuseyinoglu, Aleksandra Klasnja Milicevic and Peter Brusilovsky
Evaluating Productivity of Learning Habits Using Math Learning Logs: Do K12 Learners Manage Their Time Effectively? Chia-Yu Hsu, Izumi Horikoshi, Huiyong Li, Rwitajit Majumdar and Hiroaki Ogata
Investigating Racial and Ethnic Differences in Learning with a Digital Game and Tutor for Decimal Numbers Xiaolin Ni, Huy Nguyen, Nicole Else-Quest, Alessandro Pagano and Bruce McLaren
Students’ Experiences and Challenges During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multi-Method Exploration Faiz Hayat, Safwan Shatnawi and Ella Haig
AI or Human? Evaluating Student Feedback Perceptions in Higher Education Tanya Nazaretsky, Paola Mejia Domenzain, Vinitra Swamy, Jibril Frej and Tanja Käser
Curio: Enhancing STEM Online Video Learning Experience through Integrated, Just-in-Time Help-Seeking Ying-Jui Tseng, Yu-Hsin Lin, Gautam Yadav, Norman Bier and Vincent Aleven
Exploring Situation-Specific Skills to Boost Teachers’ Use of Analytics Reet Kasepalu, Merike Saar and Kairit Tammets
Teacher-Mediated and Student-Led Interaction with a Physics Simulation: Effects on the Learning Experience Maria Ioanna Magkouta, Jérémy La Scala, Juan Carlos Farah, Emily Michailidi and Denis Gillet
Evaluating the Impact of a Mathematics Mastery Learning Platform on Student Achievement: A Large-Scale Longitudinal Analysis Kodi Weatherholtz, Phillip Grimaldi, Bogdan Yamkovenko and Kelli Millwood Hill
Synchrony between Facial Expressions and Heart Rate Variability during Game-Based Learning: Insights from Cross-Wavelet Transformation Elizabeth Cloude, Muhterem Dindar, Manuel Ninaus and Kristian Kiili
Mapping Employable Skills in Higher Education Curriculum Using LLMs Andrew Zamecnik, Abhinava Barthakur, Hanyi Wang and Shane Dawson
Interplay of Factors Influencing Pre-Service Teachers’ Intention to Integrate Learning Analytics into Practice Kairit Tammets, Tobias Ley, Kaire Kollom and Manisha Khulbe
CLIL and EFL Teacher Perspectives on AI-EdTech: An Exploration of Opportunities and Concerns Merike Saar, Aleksandra Ljalikova and Marc Beardsley
Exploring Design Options for Promoting Equal Participation in Hybrid Collaboration Settings in Higher Education Arlind Avdullahu, Nikol Rummel and Thomas Herrmann
Leveraging Multimodal Classroom Data for Teacher Reflection: Teachers’ Preferences, Practices, and Privacy Considerations Kexin Yang, Conrad Borchers, Ann-Christin Falhs, Vanessa Echeverria, Shamya Karumbaiah, Nikol Rummel and Vincent Aleven
Exploring collaboration readiness with multimodal learning analytics: The value of generative preparation activities Qi Zhou, Wannapon Suraworachet and Mutlu Cukurova
From Sparse to Smart: Leveraging AI for Effective Online Judge Problem Classification in Programming Education Filipe Dwan Pereira, Maely Moraes, Marcelo Henklain, Arto Hellas, Elaine H. T. Oliveira, Dragan Gasevic, Raimundo Barreto and Rafael Ferreira Mello
Math Teachers’ In-class Information Needs and Usage for Effective Design of Classroom Orchestration Tools Mohammad Hadi Nezhad, Francisco Castro, Beverly Woolf and Ivon Arroyo
A systematic review of studies on decision-making systems for teaching and learning in K-12 Abhinava Barthakur, Rebecca Marrone, Shadi Esnaashari, Vitomir Kovanovic and Shane Dawson
An experimental study of facial expressions in collaborative teams that quit a game-based learning task: Within-team competition vs. no within-team competition Muhterem Dindar, Elizabeth Cloude and Kristian Kiili
ActiveAI: The Effectiveness of an Interactive Tutoring System in Developing K-12 AI Literacy Ying-Jui Tseng, Gautam Yadav, Xinying Hou, Muzhe Wu, Yun-Shuo Chou, Claire Che Chen, Chia-Chia Wu, Shi-Gang Chen, Yi-Jo Lin, Guanze Liao and Kenneth Koedinger
A Framework for Generators of Varied and Adapted Training Game Activities Bérénice Lemoine, Pierre Laforcade and Sébastien George
QA-Knowledge Attention for Exam Performance Prediction Yongle Ren, Cheng Tang, Yuta Taniguchi, Fumiya Okubo and Atsushi Shimada
Investigating learning dashboards adaptation Rémi Barbé, Benoît Encelle and Karim Sehaba
Integration of a teacher dashboard in a hybrid support approach for constructing qualitative representations Marco Kragten, Tessa Hoogma and Bert Bredeweg
FairyTaleQA Translated: Enabling Educational Question and Answer Generation in Less-Resourced Languages Bernardo Leite, Tomás Osório and Henrique Lopes Cardoso
Mind the Gap: Confronting the Vast Divide Between CS Teaching and Machine Learning Pedagogy Shai Perach and Giora Alexandron
The challenge of modeling the complexity of use for the measurement of digital maturity in education Christine Michel, Laëtitia Pierrot, Frédéric Oru and Olivier Vigneau
Exploring Children’s Interaction with AR to Enhance Spatial Skills: Case Study on Geometry Learning Yang Yang, Hangyi Shi, Manolis Mavrikis and Eirini Geraniou
A Study of LLM Generated Line-by-line Explanations in the Context of Conversational Program Comprehension Tutoring Systems Jeevan Chapagain, Mahmudul Islam Sajib, Radu Prodan and Vasile Rus
Examining the Trade-offs between Simplified and Realistic Coding Environments in an Introductory Python Programming Class Huy Nguyen, Christopher Bogart, Jaromír Šavelka, Adam Zhang and Majd Sakr


Singular Action, Complex Cognition: An Intelligent Tutoring System in Riichi Mahjong Marshall An, Mufei He, Wei Yao and John Stamper
Leveraging Intelligent Tutoring Systems to Enhance Project-Based Learning in Workforce Training at Community Colleges Marshall An, Leah Teffera, Mahboobeh Mehrvarz, Bruce Li, Christopher Bogart, Majd Sakr and Bruce McLaren
Learning Analytics Beyond Traditional Classrooms: Addressing the Tensions of Cognitive and Meta-Cognitive Goals in Exercise Sessions Zhenyu Cai, Richard Davis, Roland Tormey and Pierre Dillenbourg
Integrating generative artificial intelligence tools to develop digital competences in secondary schools Liron Levy-Nadav, Tamar Shamir-Inbal and Ina Blau
Design and orchestration in the age of GenAI: an activity theory perspective Konstantinos Michos and Ishari Amarasinghe
Learning Analytics-Supported Learning Design for a Dutch Distance Learning University Seyyed Kazem Banihashem, Maryam Alqassab, Konstantinos Georgiadis, Marcel Schmitz and Hendrik Drachsler
Are you up for DigiTech? The role of internal and external drivers in the adoption of digital technology in education Adriaan Vervoort, Lisa Koutsoviti Koumeri, Nuria González Castellano and Katrien Struyven
Enhancing Student Motivation through LLM-Powered Learning Environments: A Comparative Study Kathrin Seßler, Ozan Kepir and Enkelejda Kasneci
An experimental study into the effects of an advisory dashboard on students’ online and offline learning Arjen De Vetten
Recommending Is Reflecting: A Surprising Benefit of Social Recommender Systems for Teachers Elad Yacobson and Giora Alexandron
Seeing the Forest from the Trees: Unveiling the Landscape of Generative AI for Education through Six Evaluation Dimensions Yael Feldman-Maggor, Teresa Cerratto-Pargman and Olga Viberg
Achieving tailored feedback by means of a teacher dashboard? Insights into teachers’ feedback practices Lena Borgards, Onur Karademir, Sebastian Strauß, Daniele Di Mitri, Marcus Kubsch, Markus Brobeil, Adrian Grimm, Sebastian Gombert, Knut Neumann, Hendrik Drachsler, Maren Scheffel and Nikol Rummel
Investigating teachers’ perceptions and needs in whole-school level technology integration Edna Milena Sarmiento-Márquez, Linda Helene Sillat and Kairit Tammets
Comparison of Large Language Models for Generating Contextually Relevant Questions Ivo Lodovico Molina, Valdemar Švábenský, Tsubasa Minematsu, Li Chen, Fumiya Okubo and Atsushi Shimada
BloomLLM: Large Language Models Based Question Generation Combining Supervised Fine-tuning and Bloom’s Taxonomy Nghia Duong-Trung, Xia Wang and Milos Kravcik
Beyond Search Engines: Can Large Language Models Improve Curriculum Development? Mohammad Moein, Mohammadreza Molavi, Abdolali Faraji, Mohammadreza Tavakoli and Gábor Kismihók
Tracking students’ progress in educational escape rooms through a sequence analysis inspired dashboard Sonsoles López-Pernas, Aldo Gordillo, Enrique Barra Arias and Mohammed Saqr
Rhetor: Providing LLM-based Feedback for Students’ Argumentative Essays Kexin Yang, Sungjin Nam, Yuchi Huang and Scott Wood
The Impact of Robotic Programming Environments on Computational Thinking with an Effect on Word Reading Fluency and Decoding Shelley Van Bergen and Nardie Fanchamps
Conceptual Design of Multimodal Learning Analytics for Spoken Language Acquisition Hamza Ouhaichi, Daniel Spikol, Zaibei Li and Bahtijar Vogel
Making Diagnostic Decisions Count: Design and Development of a Virtual Patient Environment for Fostering Medical Education Saroj Sharma, Carolin Thiel, Daniela Yildiz and Armin Weinberger
Design and Development of an AI-Enhanced Collaborative Chat Platform for Medical Education Tarkan Üsküdar, Carolin Thiel, Daniela Yildiz, Albulene Grajcevci, Anish Singh, Saroj Sharma and Armin Weinberger
Design Framework for Multimodal Learning Analytics Leveraging Human Observations Viktor Holm-Janas, Oriel Caro Miya Marshall, Zaibei Li, Jesper Bruun and Daniel Spikol
Multimodal Sensing of Goals and Activities During Interactions With a Co-created Robot Paras Sharma, Veronica Bella, Angela E.B. Stewart and Erin Walker
Evaluation of an LLM-powered student agent for teacher training Saptarshi Bhowmik, Luke West, Alex Barett, Noudi Zhang, Chihpu Dai, Zlatko Sokolikj, Sherry Southerland, Xin Yuan and Fengfeng Ke


WebWriter: Authoring & Remixing Explorables Frederic Salmen, Rene Roepke and Ulrik Schroeder
Supporting Learning Engagement and Teacher Awareness in Video-Based Learning through the Evoli Video-Annotation Tool Giacomo Cassano and Nicoletta Di Blas
GoaLearn App: A Goal-Setting and Monitoring Application to Support Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Shirong Zhang, Jan Bryczkowski and Marcus Specht
FLeD Learning Design Tool: Scaffolding Flexible Scenarios Through the Use of Flipped Learning Patterns Laia Albó, Ingrid Noguera Fructuoso, Davinia Hernandez-Leo, Ana Afonso, Daniele Agostini and Shatha N. Alkhasawneh
A Speech-based Dialogue System for Training Oral Examinations Niels Seidel and Luna Hammesfahr
Evaluating a Teaching Analytics Dashboard in Adult Education: Lessons Learned Ngoc Buu Cat Nguyen
REOJocs: A Card Game about Teacher Community and Open Educational Resources Platforms Davinia Hernández-Leo, Belén Beltrán-Beltrán, Karina Ginoyan, Inés González-Cabezas, Francisco Pérez-Basso and Shatha N. Alkhasawneh
A Code Analysis Tool to Help Students in the Age of Generative AI Daniel-Florin Dosaru, Diana-Maria Simion, Andrei-Horia Ignat, Lorina-Cristina Negreanu and Alexandru-Corneliu Olteanu
Scalable Mentoring Support with a Large Language Model Chatbot Hassan Soliman, Milos Kravcik, Alexander Tobias Neumann, Yue Yin, Norbert Pengel and Maike Haag
Play My Math: First development cycle of an EdTech tool supporting the teaching and learning of fractions through music in algebraic notation Eric Roldan Roa, Érika Roldan Roa, Doris Kristina Raave, Jo van Herwegen, Nina Polytimou, Sayan Mukherjee, Tyler Colasante, Tina Malti, Julia Mori and Marcus Specht