DEADLINE EXTENDED: Election of EATEL managing committee
The European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning (EATEL) announces upcoming elections for members of the managing committee. The terms of the current members of the managing committee are ending with the general assembly at the EC-TEL conference 2021.
The runtime of the new managing committee will be from 2021 – 2025. Below you can find the detailed descriptions of the positions and the general skills and conditions required.
Apply yourself or suggest a potential candidate
We are calling interested members to submit applications of interest for becoming a member of the managing committee.
Do you have someone in mind who might potentially be up for a position on the managing committee? We appreciate if you inform this person about the possibility to apply or if you enable us to contact him or her. Please ideally contact this person beforehand. The EATEL board will consider approaching this person to ask about their interest in one of the positions.
Submission process
Please submit your self-nomination or suggestion of a potential candidate through the application form below or via e-mail to board@ea-tel.eu
The deadline for submission is July 1st 2021.
(Elected for a term of four years)
(Time commitment 20 days/year)
– Leads the Managing Committee of the association
– Takes the leadership role in monitoring and evaluating the performance and effectiveness of the association.
– Takes care for legal and administrative oversight of all processes
– Prepares and presides at the annual Members Assembly at the ECTEL Conference.
– Provides a short summary of the association’s achievements during the Members Assembly and coordinates with the Treasurer the financial reporting
– Schedules and chairs periodic Managing Committee meetings and conference calls (approximately one per month).
– Calls other meetings of the members or of the Managing Committee as delineated in the Bylaws.
– Establishes ad hoc committees and appoints individuals to serve on them as needed.
– Meets periodically throughout the year with the various EATEL Special Interest Groups
– Represents, appears and speaks on behalf of the association, more especially at events organized by other learning societies
– Engages in other activities which are performed as time, availability and other circumstances permit. These include association with members, representatives of government, industry, educational bodies, related societies and associations and other organizations around the world.
– Communicates with the membership via electronic and print venues, on the status of the association and issues of relevance to EATEL.
(Elected for a term of four years)
(Time commitment 20 days/year)
– Helps coordinating the Managing Committee
– Shares the responsibilities of the president as identified in the position description of the President.
– Considers taking over the presidency at the end of the President´s term
– Seeks to drive community discussion that can help to maintain high standards of research quality and professionalism in the domain of TEL, e.g. through Webinars.
– External relations – including external associations like the IAALDE.
EATEL Treasurer:
(Elected for a term of four years)
(Time commitment 20 days/year)
– Conducts the association’s business activities.
– Administrates the fiscal matters of the association.
– Manages the association’s finances including billing.
– Reviews the association with the EATEL Auditors (bi-annual meetings).
– Presents the association’s annual financial report at the Members Assembly.
– Provides the association’s annual budget to the Members Assembly for approval.
– Participates in periodic Managing Committee meetings and conference calls (approximately one every month).
– Meets periodically throughout the year with the various EATEL Special Interest Groups for fiscal matters
– Ensures development and board review of financial policies and procedures.
– Being competent in the German language is a plus
EATEL Secretary:
(Elected for a term of four years)
(Time commitment 20 days/year)
– Coordinates the work of any administrative and support staff of the association
– Maintains records of the Management Committee and ensures effective management of organization’s records.
– Manages minutes of the Management Committee meetings and Members’ Assembly.
– Ensures minutes are distributed to members shortly after each meeting.
– Is sufficiently familiar with legal documents (articles, bylaws, IRS letters, etc.) to note applicability during meetings
– Collects annual reports from the EATEL SIGs for the summary of the association’s achievements at the end of the administrative year.
– Organizes the periodic Managing Committee meetings and conference calls (approximately one every two months).
– Interfaces with the ECTEL organisation committee
Skills required for the positions of the EATEL Managing Committee:
– Knowledge of the conceptual foundations and driving force of the association
– Demonstrated ability to organize and plan effectively.
– Demonstrated ability to produce results through others.
– Demonstrated ability to work effectively toward common goals as a team member.
– Demonstrated outstanding ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, to a wide variety of constituencies.
– Demonstrated ability to lead and influence in areas of responsibility.
– Demonstrated ability at win-win negotiating.
– Demonstrated ability to identify and resolve problems to produce positive results.
– Demonstrated support of diversity
Conditions required for the positions of the EATEL Managing Committee:
– Has time and employer commitment necessary to fulfil the duties of the office.
– Has a relevant and successful performance record within the EATEL or TEL community
– Committed to EATEL mission, vision and long-range goals.
– Is perceived as professionally competent with a high level of integrity and commitment to EATEL.
– Has the positive and responsible image appropriate to EATEL.
– Is a current EATEL member.