Unintended consequences of mainstreaming of technology-enhanced learning |
Through the general pressure of the so-called “digital society” the political and societal expectations for „digital education“ are increasing and we are entering a mode of mainstreaming of technology-enhanced learning in Europe. This mainstreaming confronts the community of researchers in the field of technology-enhanced learning with several challenges and open questions that also touch many aspects of the core identity of the TEL domain. In the keynote talk, I will question a number of assumptions and challenges that are coming with this mainstreaming. These challenges are ethical, related to inclusion and question our current understanding of interdisciplinarity.
Innovating pedagogy: enhancing learning |
From educational radio and television, through virtual learning environments, to facial recognition of students and hologram lecturers – when people think of innovation in education, they tend to think of the technology used to deliver it. This technology has helped to extend access to education, but technology alone cannot bring about deep and sustained improvements in the quality of learning. The Innovating Pedagogy reports shift the emphasis towards developments in pedagogy: identifying new forms of teaching, learning and assessment. These innovations can be used to help learners deal with a changing world in which they need to make sense of increasing amounts of data and information, and make the most of their opportunities to make global connections. In her keynote, Rebecca Ferguson will talk about new and updated pedagogies, the ideas that connect them and the skills that support them. Some of these approaches extend current practice, some personalise it, some enrich it and others explore new possibilities that have opened up in the past decade.
Highlights of the European agenda for teaching and learning with digital technologies |
The keynote will cover some highlights of the European agenda for teaching and learning with the focus on the use of digital technologies. Through examples of the Joint Research Centre’s work to support the Member States in their implementation of digital competence in their agendas (e.g. DigComp framework, SELFIE), the presentation will illustrate how the so called “Open method of coordination” works in the field of education and training. On the other hand, the presentation will also evoke interesting research questions that will help European Union to reach its goals for the future (e.g. AI in Education, digital networks to support on-the-job-training).
From Oysters to Pearls: Key Strategies for Communicating Learning Analytics Insights |
Learning Analytics (LA) innovations offer exciting opportunities for enhancing technology-enhanced learning and teaching. From a human-centred learning analytics perspective, making sense of the vast quantities of educational data now available is of utmost importance. However, data can get easily stripped from its context. This can potentially lead to making spurious assumptions or building rather complex learning analytics representations. Emerging educational dashboards and visualisations are already exposing critical design challenges that may often be trivialised but can negatively impact the successful adoption and use of these LA innovations. Empirical evidence already shows that ‘usable’ and visually appealing visualisations, or even visualisations that invite users to explore data, are not necessarily effective from an educational perspective. Since an educator’s interpretation of visualised data is essentially the construction of a narrative about student progress, this talk will focus on the concept of “Educational Data Storytelling” as an approach for explaining student data by aligning educational visualisations with the intended learning design. In this talk we will use the metaphor of coming “from oysters to pearls” as a way to explain key strategies for creating LA innovations that communicate insights. This talk will also cover key literature in the areas of information visualisation and human-computer interaction, which is relevant for designing effective educational technologies. We will also analyse examples that may be useful for a wide range of purposes related to communicating insights based on educational evidence.
AI changes everything – why AI will change online learning and its design |
As AI becomes normal on the delivery of online Learning, the skills of learning designers will have to change. Donald will show, using real examples, why AI will change the nature of work, therefore what we learn, why we learn and how we learn.