Call for Abstracts

We are very pleased to invite you to submit your latest research results, developments, and ideas (extended abstract of max.  4 pages) to the 2nd International Workshop of the EATEL SIG EduRobotX 2024: Exploring Educational Robots and Robotics for Learning and Development, which will be held at the ECTEL Conference, in Krems, Austria | 16-20 September 2024, URL:

Important Dates

30.08.2024 Extended abstract submission
06.09.2024 Notifications of Acceptance
13.09.2024 Final version submitted
17.09.2o24 Presentations at the workshop

Submission preparation

Programm Committee

  • Aino Ahtinen, Tampere University, Finland

  • Rinat Rosenberg-Kima, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

  • María Zapata-Cáceres, University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain

  • Estefanía Martín-Barroso, University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain

Special Issue

This workshop invites extended abstracts of max. 4 pages showcasing innovative applications of educational robotics and robots for learning and development.

Following the workshop, authors of selected abstracts will be invited to submit full papers for potential publication in a special issue of a journal.

This special issue aims to capture the cutting-edge developments in the field of educational robots and robotics, which are increasingly prevalent in our predominantly technology-driven society. We seek to foster knowledge dissemination, facilitate discussions, and chart future research directions in the realm of robotics and its impact on education and beyond.


  1. STEM and Robotics: Exploring Synergies for Enhanced Learning
  2. Skills and Competencies Acquisition through Robotics: Innovations and Applications
  3. Psychological Insights in Educational Robotics: Motivation, Focus, and Well-being
  4. Cultivating Curiosity: The Role of Robotics in Fostering Inquisitive Learning
  5. AI and Robotics Integration in Education: Leveraging ChatGPT, Large Language Models, and Machine Learning
  6. Enhancing Human-Robot Interaction in Educational Settings: Challenges and Opportunities
  7. Personalized Learning with Robotics: Tailoring Education to Individual Needs and Abilities
  8. Cognitive Development and Educational Robotics: Understanding the Impact on Student Learning
  9. Considerations in AI-driven Educational Robotics: Navigating the Moral and Ethical Landscape
  10. Future Directions in Educational Robotics: Emerging Trends, Innovations and Opportunities for Lifelong Learning

General aim

The proposed workshop focuses on the exploration of how educational robots and robotics can be applied to support the diversity of learners, including learners with special needs (e. g. neurodivergent learners, learners on the autism spectrum, learners with physical disabilities or other learning disorders) and learners of different ages (children in preschools, primary, secondary, higher education, adults, seniors).

The workshop is designed to delve into a variety of practical examples, use cases, and research findings pertaining to the themes it covers. We present a comprehensive overview of the proceedings, addressing specific use cases and application examples as well as broader implications of educational robots and robotics on education and learning. Our aim is to offer insights into both specific case studies and more general applications, illuminating the diverse ways in which robots and robotics can contribute to education (school, higher education, professional education, lifelong learning).

Through the presentation of examples and results from different educational contexts, our intention is to catalyse discussions and encourage further exploration of robot-enhanced learning. Together with the participants we want to discuss how, where, and to what extent the integration of robots in learning contexts transcends existing boundaries, areas where existing technologies and our understanding may be limited but where we recognize abundant opportunities and potential for future development.

Research questions

may involve (but are not limited to)

  • the effectiveness of robotics-based instruction compared to other methods 
  • the impact on student motivation, engagement and skill acquisition 
  • strategies for integrating robotics into the curricula
  • the role of human-robot interaction for enhancing learning outcomes
  • the potential benefits for learners with diverse needs and backgrounds
  • the psychological effects of HRI on student engagement and performance 
  • the role of social robots in supporting emotional well-being 
  • effective strategies for designing robot interventions to enhance motivation
  • the potential of AI-powered robotics to enhance learning outcomes 
  • the challenges and opportunities of integrating AI into educational settings 
  • the implications for equity, diversity, and inclusion in AI-driven education
  • the impact of robot appearance and embodiment on user perceptions and engagement
  • the role of social cues and nonverbal communication in HRI, 
  • strategies for designing inclusive and accessible HRI experiences for diverse learners
  • the empowerment of various skills

Use cases

may involve (but are not limited to)

  • interactive storytelling with educational robots 
  • learning games and collaborative learning activities with robots
  • implementing motivational strategies through robot feedback and reinforcement
  • promoting mindfulness and stress reduction with robot-assisted activities 
  • fostering curiosity and exploration through interactive learning experiences
  • leveraging natural language processing capabilities for interactive dialogue with educational robots 
  • utilising machine learning algorithms for adaptive learning and personalised instruction, 
  • exploring the ethical implications of AI-driven educational technologies 
  • designing robot behaviours and gestures to promote effective communication and collaboration, 
  • integrating sensors and feedback mechanisms to adapt to student needs and preferences 
  • exploring cultural factors influencing HRI in diverse educational contexts. 

Desired outcomes

Overall, the workshop aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of the intersection between robotics, education, psychology, AI, and HRI (human-robot interaction), highlighting practical applications, theoretical frameworks, and research directions to advance the field and inform educational practice. Furthermore, the workshop seeks to compile a collection of practices and innovative ideas to be published in a special issue, thereby contributing to the advancement of the field and informing educational practices.


The date of the workshop is being confirmed. More details can be found on the ECTEL 2024 conference website.

⏱️ 30 minutes

Introduction. Overview of workshop objectives and agenda. Brief introduction of the facilitators, the SIG EduRobotX, and the participants.

⏱️ 30 minutes

Short Presentations (3 x 10 min = 30 min)

⏱️ 30 minutes

Open Discussion Rounds. Breakout into small discussion groups based on presentation topics. Participants share their experiences, insights, and questions related to each presentation. Facilitators moderate discussions and encourage collaboration among participants.

⏱️ 15 minutes

Coffee & dance break with live music

☕ 30 minutes

Short Presentations (3 x 10 min = 30 min)

⏱️ 30 minutes

Open Discussion Rounds. Breakout into small discussion groups based on presentation topics. Participants share their experiences, insights, and questions related to each presentation. Facilitators moderate discussions and encourage collaboration among participants.

⏱️ 15 minutes

Coffee & dance break with live music

⏱️ 45 minutes

Interactive Sessions

  • Interactive Workshop Activity 1: Showcasing Good Examples of Robot-assisted Learning
  • Interactive Workshop Activity 2: Evidence-informed Activities in Robotics Education
  • Interactive Workshop Activity 3: Networking and Creating Partnerships

⏱️ 15 minutes

Coffee & dance break with live music

⏱️ 15 minutes

Wrap-up and Reflection. Summary of key insights and discussions from the workshop. Reflection on how new insights can be applied in participants’ own contexts. Opportunity for participants to share any final thoughts or questions including a short online evaluation in Google Forms and a visual display for feedback on the board.

Why this workshop?

The workshop by the EATEL SIG EduRobotX aligns perfectly with the overarching conference theme of “Inclusive and equitable quality education for all,” as well as with the current global challenges and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In today’s rapidly evolving society and educational landscape, the integration of robots and robotics holds immense potential to revolutionise learning experiences and address the diverse needs of learners across various contexts and age groups.

Our workshop aims to contribute to the realisation of inclusive and equitable education by exploring the multifaceted applications of educational robots and robotics in diverse educational contexts and for the diversity of learners. By leveraging approaches such as robot-assisted language learning (RALL), robot-supported collaborative learning (RSCL), and hybrid participation and collaboration through teleoperated robots, we aspire to invite researchers and practitioners to present their concepts, use cases, implementations and/or research results focusing on engaging learning experiences that cater to the unique needs of the learners, teachers, and different conditions of a variety of educational contexts.

Moreover, our focus extends beyond traditional educational settings to encompass learners of all ages, from preschool children to senior learners. We recognize the importance of fostering lifelong learning and ensuring that educational opportunities are accessible to individuals at every stage of life.

In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 4: Quality Education, our workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners who promote innovative approaches with educational robots and robotics that enhance learning outcomes, empower learners to develop critical thinking skills and tackle complex problems, as well as create engaging and immersive learning experiences that inspire curiosity, collaboration, and creativity.

Our vision is to invite extended abstract submissions prior to the workshop, facilitating vibrant discussions and collaboration amongst participants during the event. We aim to provide a supportive environment for presenters to share their work, receive valuable feedback, and potentially evolve their contributions into full papers. Selected full papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of a journal, which we intend to identify together with potential authors at the end of the workshop. By doing this, we hope to encourage a participatory format that values and respects the ideas, needs, and contributions of workshop participants.

In essence, our workshop serves as a catalyst for advancing the frontier of educational robots and robotics, contributing to the realisation of inclusive and quality education for all. We invite researchers, educators, and practitioners from diverse backgrounds to join us in this collective endeavour to shape the future of education through educational robots and robotics. Together, we can harness the transformative power of technology to create a more inclusive and equitable learning ecosystem for the benefit of learners worldwide.

Workshop organizers

Ilona Buchem

Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Germany

As a Professor of Media and Communication at Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Dr. Ilona Buchem teaches courses in bachelor’s and master’s programs, both on campus and online, including Digital Business (BSc.) and Media Informatics (MSc.). As the head of the Communications Lab, Ilona Buchem leads a number […]

Nardie Fanchamps

Nardie Fanchamps

Open University of the Netherlands

Maria Perifanou

University of Macedonia, Greece

Dr. Maria Perifanou is an adjunct lecturer in Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Italian Language & Literature at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and an adjunct academic staff at the Hellenic Open University at TESOL Master’s Programme. She works also as a senior researcher at the Smart and Mobile Learning Environments (SMILE) Lab of […]


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