Daniela Tafani
University of Pisa, Italy
Daniela Tafani is a fixed-term researcher of Political Philosophy at the University of Pisa. She has been a research fellow at the University of Bologna. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Association for the promotion of Open Science (AISA). She is vice-president of the Italian Society of Kantian Studies […]
Thorsten Gattinger
Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
George-Petru Ciordas-Hertel
DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Germany
Lisa van der Heyden
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Inês Mendes
University of Aveiro, Portugal
Inês Mendes has a Bachelor’s degree in physical and chemistry teaching and a Master’s degree in communication and education in science, so her professional experience includes informal and formal science communication, as she worked in a science museum and taught to middle school students for several years. Currently she is in her third year of […]
Christian Weber
University of Siegen, Germany
Christian Weber is a substitute professor at the chair for Medical Computer Science with the Focus on Mobile Health Information Systems and a postdoctoral researcher with the Institute of Knowledge-Based Systems and Knowledge Management (KBS & KM), University of Siegen, Germany. He is continuously researching the extension and exploitation of evolving, semantically enhanced knowledge maps […]