My name is Esteban Villalobos, and I am currently starting my second year of my Ph.D. at Université Paul Sabatier. I became interested in Technology Enhanced Learning after working as a Data Scientist at a Chilean EdTech (OpenGreenRoad). Here, I found many interesting questions that were currently being researched, which motivated me to embark on my current journey. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Mathematical Engineering at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, specializing in numerical analysis. Then, I did an M.Sc in Computer Science focusing on Deep Learning. I am a strong believer in the use of human-centered data science.
Current PhD project:
My thesis project presents the objectives and current status of a thesis project that seeks to understand how students’ self-regulation strategies manifest themselves in blended learning (BL) situations holistically and how to foster it through technological solutions. Despite the positive effects of BL, several studies have shown that students require high levels of self-regulation to succeed in these types of practices. Still, there is little understanding of how students organize their learning in BL authentic contexts. Therefore, this project aims to develop new analytical and technological solutions to better understand the dynamics of how self-regulated learning unveils in BL contexts.
ID | Event Name | Duration | Start Date |
Session 3: Student Support with Learning Analytics | 3 Hours | 09/06/2023 | |
Session: Self-regulated Learning and learners’ strategies | 1 Hours | 31/03/2025 |