LAK’ 18 Workshop – International Workshop on Orchestrating Learning Analytics: Learning Analytics Adoption at the Classroom Level (OrLa 2018)
Call for Participation
International Workshop on Orchestrating Learning Analytics: Learning Analytics Adoption at the Classroom Level
In conjunction with LAK 2018 at The University of Sydney, Australia
Adopting learning analytics solutions in a real setting requires effective identification and communication between different stakeholder communities (including researchers, teachers, students and technology developers). In this half-day collaborative workshop we will look at how LA innovations impact, or are conditioned by, everyday practice at the classroom level (“orchestration”). We will examine examples of LA adoption efforts, discuss them through the lens of classroom orchestration, and further develop frameworks and guidance on what are the knowledge gaps and how mutual understanding can be supported.
This half-day workshop will provide an intense, balanced and flexible context in which both researchers, teachers and technology developers will be actively engaged. Also, it aims to create the best conditions for the creation of a sustained community involving these stakeholders regarding adoption of learning analytics.
The workshop accepts (in fact, requires!) contributions from researchers, teachers and developers that are considering the adoption of a novel learning analytics solution in a particular context.
The workshop accepts (in fact, requires!) contributions from researchers, teachers and developers that are considering the adoption of a novel learning analytics solution in a particular context. Submissions authored by multiple kinds of stakeholders (e.g., researchers and teachers and technology providers) are especially encouraged, but not required.
The workshop accepts two kinds of paper submissions before the workshop (see the dates below):
1 Examples/cases of actual learning analytics adoption processes (either ongoing, successful, or failed). To help you structure your paper, you can use this structure of topics. To help you gather the necessary information (or organize the existing information) from other stakeholders in your context, you can also use these forms.
2 Conceptual frameworks to help us analyze how learning analytics is adopted at the classroom level, or to support inter-stakeholder communication during such adoption processes.
Submissions should follow the LAK Companion Proceedings template, and should be 2- to 5-pages long. These submissions will be peer-reviewed and, if accepted, will be published electronically through the LAK18 Companion Proceedings. Submissions should be sent by email to orla.workshops@gmail.com.
*Important Dates*
- October 30th – Open call for submissions
- December 18th – Deadline for submissions
- January 15th – Notifications of acceptance
- January 22nd – Confirmation of attendance (early bird registration deadline)
- January 30th – Deadline for camera ready versions
*Organising Committee*
- Luis P. Prieto, School of Educational Sciences, Tallinn University (Estonia)
- María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana, School of Digital Technologies, Tallinn University (Estonia), and REACT Lab, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
- Roberto Martínez-Maldonado, Connected Intelligence Centre, University of Technology Sydney (Australia)
- Dragan Gasevic, Schools of Education and Informatics, University of Edinburgh (UK)
- Yannis Dimitriadis, School of Telecommunications Engineering, University of Valladolid (Spain)
Further information
Please visit http://orla.utscic.edu.au/ , or email us at orla.workshops@gmail.com