Mar Pérez-Sanagustín is Associate Professor at the Université Paul Sabatier Tolouse III (France), researcher at the Institute de Recherche Informatique de Tolouse (IRIT), and associate researcher at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). Mar also founded the team T4DLab at PUC, and she continuous collaborating with it. Mar worked from 2011 until 2014 as a researcher at the Gradient Lab of the Gradient del Grupo de Aplicaciones y Servicios Telemáticos (GAST) at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) and as a teacher of the department of Telematics Engineering, where she was with a Post-Doctoral Fellow Alianza 4 Universidades. She is a Doctor in Information and Communication Technologies since July 2011 by the University Pompeu Fabra, where she obtained the cum laude grade with European Mention. During her PhD, Mar completed her studies with a moths stage at the LTRI group from the London Metropolitan University in London. From November 2013 until March 2014 Mar was with a Fulbright fellow visiting the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in San Francisco (USA). From 2014 until September 2018 she worked as a Associate Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile where she also was the vice-dean of Engineering Education. Currently, she is still associate researcher at this university. Her research focuses on the study of self-regulation in MOOCs, MOOC-based hybrid methodologies, collaborative learning with mobile devices and engineering education.
ID | Event Name | Duration | Start Date |
Session: Self-regulated Learning and learners’ strategies | 1 Hours | 22/01/2025 |