Jack Mostow
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Jack Mostow is Emeritus Research Professor of Robotics, Machine Learning, Language Technologies, and Human-Computer Interaction at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his A.B. cum laude in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University and his PhD in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University. In 2010 he was elected President of the International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society. He has published, collaborated, reviewed, supervised students, or given invited talks in artificial intelligence, children’s reading, computational linguistics, computer science, educational data mining, human-computer interaction, intelligent tutors, learner modelling, machine learning, psychology, robotics, software engineering, speech and language technologies, and statistics. Dr Mostow founded Project LISTEN, which developed an automated Reading Tutor that listens to children read aloud. He now leads the RoboTutor team (www.robotutor.org), a $1M Finalist in the $15M Global Learning XPRIZE competition to develop an Android tablet app for children in developing countries to acquire basic literacy and numeracy without adult assistance.