Élise Lavoué
University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France
Élise Lavoué is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the iaelyon School of Management, University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, the Head of the Situated Interaction, Collaboration, Adaptation, and Learning research group (SICAL) of the LIRIS lab. She obtained a degree and a Ph.D on Computer Science at the University of Lyon, France, and has been a visiting Professor at the McGill University (ATLAS Lab) from 8 months in 2016. She defended her Habilitation in 2016. Her research interests include motivational techniques, tailored gamification, learner engagement and learning analytics dashboards, in the fields of TEL, CSCL and HCI. She has (co)-authored over 90 publications in these areas. She received best paper awards at the CSEDU 2013, and 2020 conference and an honorable mention award at the CHIPlay 2019 conference. She served as organizing chair for EC-TEL 2016, as program committee co-chair for EC-TEL 2017 and as general co-chair for CSCL 2019. Currently, she is SIG chair at the EA-TEL, and a member of the Steering Committee of the EC-TEL. More info: https://perso.liris.cnrs.fr/elise.lavoue/