Christian Weber is a substitute professor at the chair for Medical Computer Science with the Focus on Mobile Health Information Systems and a postdoctoral researcher with the Institute of Knowledge-Based Systems and Knowledge Management (KBS & KM), University of Siegen, Germany. He is continuously researching the extension and exploitation of evolving, semantically enhanced knowledge maps for ongoing industrial, educational, and medical digitalization using AI and is active for that in national and international funded research projects (DFG, BMBF, H2020, Erasmus plus, and many more), industrial collaborations. Furthermore, he heads the intelligent infrastructure division of the interdisciplinary and inter-university research group “digital practice”, located within the faculty of life science at the University of Siegen, researching novel digital medicine and medical digitalization approaches and applications under the concept of international and medical data spaces with integrated mobile, digital twins. He heads funded research projects at the intersection of computer science, medicine, education, and manufacturing and carries the strong belief that any digital solution always needs a human factor.
ID | Event Name | Duration | Start Date |
Towards Interpretable Educational AI: Empowering Learners’ decisions in TEL with Explainable AI | 1 Hours | 14/03/2025 |