Dr Anna Wałek. President of IATUL – International Association of University Libraries. She conducts scientific research in data management in various scientific disciplines, metadata for research data, and data management support services, incl. defining the roles and tasks of data
stewards. She obtained the PhD in Library and Information Science at the University of Wrocław. She conducts teaching classes and training for students, PhD students, and researchers, focusing on the usage of information resources, databases, and repositories, as well as in the field of Open Science, including Open Access, Open Educational Resources and Open Data. She also teaches how to create metadata and research data according to the FAIR principles and how to share them.
In the years 2007-2016, she worked at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. Since January 2017, she has been the Director of the Library of the Gdańsk
University of Technology. Since February 2023, the leading specialist in the Data Processing Laboratory at the CYFRONET Academic Computer Center of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow in the EOSC FUTURE project (Integration and consolidation of the existing pan-European access mechanism to public research infrastructures and commercial services through the EOSC Portal).
Since March 2023 she represents Poland as part of the Council for National Open Science Coordination (CoNOSC).
Member of the Board of Directors (since 2018) and President (since 2022) of IATUL (International Association of University Libraries. Also a member of the EOSC Association Data Stewardship Curricula and Career Paths Task Force. Originator and coordinator of the national working group of data stewards – Polish Data Stewardship Competence Centers Implementation Network (DSCC-IN PL). Author of scientific publications, organiser and member of the program and organising committees of national and international scientific conferences.