Call for bids to host ECTEL 2024 and 2025

The European Association of Technology Enhanced Learning (EATEL) invites applications from European institutions of higher education willing to host the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (ECTEL) in the years 2024 and 2025.
About the conference
The conference is typically held in September and takes place over five days. In the past, the conference has been attended by 150-200 individuals. The conference includes paper, poster, and demonstration sessions, a doctoral consortium, and workshops. Read more about the ECTEL conference series.
Information for potential hosts
The responsibilities of the local organiser involve managing the conference webpage, providing a venue, conference rooms, food and beverages, coordinating social events and being the local contact for the scientific program committee to coordinate implementation of the program.
Proposal process
Institutions interested in hosting the conference should contact EATEL President, Marcus Specht (M.M.Specht@tudelft.nl) to indicate their willingness to host the conference at their earliest convenience..
A formal proposal to host the conference then needs to be received by EATEL by the 15 July 2023 and needs to include:
- A description of the proposed conference venue
- A description of the local team acting as local representative
- Travel information and indicative hotel prices in different categories
- Proposed social events that could be organized
- An indicative budget with proposed registration fees
Hosts will be selected by the ECTEL steering committee from all proposals received. Future hosts will have the opportunity to briefly present the venue during the ECTEL 2023 conference in Portugal.