Bid to host the 14th Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning in 2018
The EATEL SIG JTEL Doctoral Academy has opened a call for bids to host the Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning 2018.
Submit your bid by filling in this form:
Deadline: Interested organisations should submit their bid by November 15th (can be extended upon request).
Required information:
Why JTEL Summer School 2018 should be hosted in the proposed location?
- Background on the city / location
- Background on the organizing group
- Short bio of local organizers
Summer School Organization:
- Suggested conference date (late May, June, July 2018),
- Suggested summer school venue and facilities: reliable WIFI for about 80 participants, 1 conference room for 80 participants, 3 workshop rooms for 25 participants, sports facilities,
- Travelling to/from/in the proposed location (including some price information): nearest international airport and available ground transportation to the venue,
- Lodging/Hotels (including price information): accommodation for 40 to 60 students in double-occupancy rooms and full board, accommodation for 20 – 30 other participants in single occupancy rooms with full board for 7 days and nights,
- Suggestion for the pre-summer school cultural excursion (all-day Sunday) / summer school dinner (Wednesday evening),
- Tentative Budget: accommodation for student rooms, coffee breaks, welcome event, transport to and from the venue, cultural excursion, summer school dinner, and other necessary local organisation costs. We try to keep summer school fees under €700/participant in a double occupancy room.
The latest updates about the JTEL Summer School are on Twitter and Facebook.
Please address any specific questions you may have about preparing a bid to:
- Katherine Maillet,
- Mikhail Fominykh,