Short biography:
I’m a second-year PhD candidate at Centre for Education, Learning and Technology (Result) at UIT – The Arctic University of Norway. Technology-enhanced learning and online education have been an important part of my carrier life. While working with faculty development, educational technology, and media production at the university I took my master´s degree in Computer Science about context-based image retrieval in a virtual learning environment. With more than 15 years of experience working in the field, I have developed a research interest in learning design, adult educational psychology, learning analytics, and self-regulation learning.
About my PhD project:
The overarching goal of the PhD project is to enable educators to make informed choices about learning design and teaching practices and thus help students choose appropriate and effective learning strategies, ultimately increasing their chance to succeed in their online studies. To rich the goal the project will use learning analytics and educational data mining techniques to explore the relationship between learning design and learning behaviour -what components of learning design and how those might influence “online” learning behaviour, i.e., behaviour that occurs in the learning situation.